Fri 30 Oct 2009
Humour is a Funny Thing
Posted by anaglyph under Competition!, Cow Matters, Laughs, TCA Shoppe
[8] Comments
So, as we recover from the longest-running Cow Competition ever, only one question remains: who gets the trophy?
Well, as we’ve explored at length in previous Cow discussions, what makes a person laugh is a highly individual thing and so I don’t expect everyone to agree with me on my decisions (yes, decisions – with 200+ entries, there has to be at least one runner up…), but I think you will all agree that this was one of the all-time best laugh-fests we’ve had on the Cow.
Numerous entries had me cracking up on first reading, and many of them are still funny on multiple visits. Joey’s very early entry ‘Okay. We stampede in two minutes. Twenty bucks says Billy’s ass outruns his head again’ set the tone for the hi-jinks to follow, but most importantly gave us ‘Billy’, who went on to be quite a Cow Headliner. Cissy Strutt chimed in with the hilarious ‘Tits!’ to be followed by Atlas’ classic ‘This ain’t what I had in mind when I told you to bring a Trojan’ (after a slightly surreal detour into existentialism from Joey).
And from there it never faltered. I won’t elaborate further – you can revisit them at your leisure for years to come. Or, if you’re really keen, download the pdf of the whole competition in situ, as kindly provided by Atlas Cerise.
Anycow, let’s cut to the chase. In my view, the competition peaked early, and no-one quite reached the rarified heights of entry #50 by Joey Polanski, which I declare to be the overall winner:

I can’t explain quite why this makes me laugh every time I see it, but to me it encapsulates the perfect comment on this photograph: the assertion from the speaking cow is condescendingly self-evident, but its implacable acceptance of the guys in the cow costume plays out the kind of humour that I really like. It does have a certain bee-joke-esque quality as Joey says, but it is very ‘cow’ in its own right. So, Joey, the question now must be – how the heck do I get you your SGM coffee mug?
Now, I’m going to award two runners-up, and I think you may find them just as puzzling as the main winner – but they both made me laugh a lot, and that, of course, is the only criteria for any Cow competition!
Honorable Mention number one goes to Cissy Strutt for:

This needs some explaining too. This is an excellent variation of an old situational gag that I invented quite some years ago, with which Cissy is quite familiar. The schtick goes like this: a bunch of people I know are standing around at a party or somesuch and a newcomer arrives on the scene. As they enter, someone proclaims loudly ‘…and that’s what happened to the cheese sandwich!!’, whereupon everyone else (clued-in by previous arrangement) bursts into laughter. The newcomer is then frustrated to find that no-one wants to tell them the (obviously hilarious) Cheese Sandwich joke. It’s a form of ‘meta’ humour that really tickles my funnybone. You can see how a cow performance elevates it into humour worthy of a prize!
So, Cissy, another SGM mug on its way to you for Christmas.
The second Honorable Mention goes to Queen Willy, for yet another in-joke, but one that was played as a marvellous slam-dunk to create a perfect end for the competition:

It does, of course, refer to this post, and elevates the scenario to a strange situation where two men in a cow suit become the bovine analog of the Archangel Gabriel presenting a mooing Virgin with strange news in the form of text speak. It doesn’t become any weirder than that!! ((But, it has to be said, makes for an interesting commentary on the ‘actual’ event…)) A collectible SGM coffee mug for The Queen too!
Even though I found the above three the funniest of the funny, don’t think I didn’t laugh at mostly everything. It remains only to thank you all for providing such hilarity on The Cow, and contributing to an escapade that I suspect will go into Cow Lore. With 230 comments, How Now Brown Cow? ranks as the highest commented Tetherd Cow Ahead post of all time. Of course we want to do MUCH better than that come January 1, 2010, n’est ce pas?
Oh, and be sure to check out Queen Willy’s Cow Wall for the last laugh!
hip hip mooray!!
Worthy winners! and I love the cow wall
The whole post was a laugh riot I tell you
That was a TOUGH game, Revrend! And THATs what made it so much FUNski! Comin up wif entrys aint hard. Evn comin up wif FUNNY entrys aint hard. (Oh, th many ways in which a talkin cow can be made amusive!) But comin up wif entrys that are (pardn th punski) BULLSEYES, — well … THATs tough as heck! Much like th ol texts-from-histry post. Smirk-funny & chuckle-funny are one thing. KNOCKD-ON-TH-ASS-funny is quite anothr.
On my first visit to th Cow aftr that contest opmd, I foun myself thinkin, “Kay. … Whaddoo I do wit THIS?” I mean … Ocourse some ovious gags come imediately to mind; but what t do byond THAT? I was pretty much at a LOSSski.
Oddly enough, th game atchualy got EASYER th more I playd. That has largely t do wit th inspiration I gets when my partnr-in-crime, ATLAS CERISE is on th field. Atlas is th one bloggr Ive encounterd who exibits th kinda reckless abandon (“Funny at all costs”) that Ive come to expeckt from my brothr, Piet, who was always my CO-STAR in th pre-Intrnet days o The Polanski Show. I can always count on Atlas to try to outdo me at my own game; and I cant imagine anything bettr than that to inspire me to churn out th best stuff Im capable o churnin outski.
Now, ocourse, when it comes to bein funny, I can kick Atlases ass any friggin day o th friggin weekski. But, fortunatly fer ME, HEs th one prson who dont seem to realize that. And so, as I go about tryin to find th prfeckt juvenile, below-th-waist jokeski, I can always count on Atlas to do his best to keep me on th straigt-n-narrow. And Im sure hes pretty straigt and narrow when hes up against ME too.
Atlases “Trojan” entry (#36) recevid well-deservd praise. Thats one o TWO that I wish Id a-thougt of myselfski. I toyd wif some Trojan-horse refrences, but nevr thougt to tie it in wif rubbrs. I know … Hard to fathom! Th othr one I wishd Id a-come up wif was th Revrends “Not Methane” entry (#21) — a rathr comickle way fer th cows to discovr th impostr among em, no? And two more o Atlases seem to keep gettin funnyer th more I think about em — th “‘Soy Milk'” entry (#87) and th “Moot” entry (#95). These are especialy funny bcause o all th inferrin ya gots to do. Th “Moot” entry conjures a image o some UNcomprehending cows mooing questioningly; and th “‘Soy Milk'” entry gets ya thinkin about jus what kinda atypickle “milk” is REALY bein prduced by th guys in th cow suit.
And, ocourse, I tip my hatski to th two runnrs upski. I wouda bet on Queenwillys closr (#225) to take th prize, and I dont evn have th benefit o knowin th private-joke that th entry refrences. Havin been clued in to th private-joke bhind Cissys “Cheese Sandwich” entry (#136), I can well see th humor in cows playin that game when poor ol Billy strolls ovr.
But — ALAS, Revrend! — you know I gotsta graciously deckline th atchual Winnrs Cup. While Id love th cup, its a Man Bhind th Curtain thing, ya know? And anyway, much as I like th honor o bein namd th winnr, Im one who plays always fer th PLAY and nevr fer th PRIZE. If ya want, you can let Sistr Veronica hang on to th cup for me. Thatll gimme a reasn to come & see her somday.
Is Joey Polanski actually Mickey Rourke? That would explain a lot.
You have an award over at my blog!
All: Sorry for the delay in replying – have been away for a few days. The competition was great and I continue to get laughs from it. I have no doubt that we’ll revisit the concept in the future.
Joey: Queen Willy’s reference is not so much private if you’re a Cow-o-phile. I think you will remember it:
I also like Atlas’ ‘soy’ joke a lot and it was one of the stellar entries for sure – as were many of the others. The sad fact of a ‘competition’ is that it looks to a ‘winner’ and so by necessity excludes many worthy entries. I want to reiterate that there were many, many funny contributions but it’s simply too time consuming to enumerate all the thoughts that went on in my head as the competition unfolded.
I will let Sister Veronica look after your SGM coffee mug. I’m sure the thought of her wrapping her lips around something that belongs to you will be adequate consolation.
Anyways, very busy at the moment Cowpokes, but I have another fun post in the pipeline for the not too distant future.