Sat 24 Oct 2009
How Now Brown Cow?
Posted by anaglyph under Competition!, TCA Shoppe
[228] Comments

Funniest comment wins an awesome Simple Graphics Man coffee mug.
Thanks Kirke! (via Urlesque, via Everything Random – original domain unknown)
228 Responses to “ How Now Brown Cow? ”
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[…] from there it never faltered. I won’t elaborate further – you can revisit them at your leisure for years to come. Or, if you’re really keen, download the pdf of the whole competition in […]
When do we get to see the awesome SGM coffee mug? The link goes to the totally uncool one.
Better scene than herd.
You say you were abducted by aliens and they did anal probes? COWSHIT PAMELA!! UDDERLY RIDICULOUS!! They’re plastic!plastic! Should have got a facelift instead! You and that Rock bull guy, whats his name Tommy?….(choke sniff) oh moo hoo I’m so jealous!
(OK so it’s somewhat disjointed, but I didn’t take much time)
“We CANT do our own stunts … Union rules.”
Keep your hands where we can see them!
“Okay. We stampede in two minutes. Twenty bucks says Billys ass outruns his head.”
Atlas: C’mon – you can do much better than that.
Timothy: Not a novel Tim, not a novel! Something that fits in a speech bubble. Short and snappy!
Joey: Work on it, work on it.
Atlas: Better
Queen Willy: #1: Potential, but needs refining.
Queen Willy: #2: Now THAT got a laugh. In fact, if you’d entered JUST that one, it would have been a hands down winner.
Joey: May I suggest a small addition:
I dunno. It just seems funnier….
C’mon folks. This ain’t any old competition – this is a Tetherd Cow Ahead competition! I’m looking for GENIUS here.
Yeah. ‘Again’ ockurrd to me about 1 sec aftr postin.
“I stand correcktd. Th moon-jumping WAS a hoax.”
“Okay. Lesson #1 …
Repeat aftr me …
“Yknow, mates, I was thinkin …
Maybe we nevr shouda dumpd Pete for Ringo.”
Mine is classic stand-up:
Pic 1: set up. Pic 2: punchline.
I should win! (wonders to self fleetingly why I so desperately want TCA mug, but, oh well….)
Oh, pantomime. I thought you said something else.
“What are we, DUMB or sompm?”
“Dont look now …
… Weatherd cow ahead.”
“Pssst. … If I call you ‘Jake’, jus follow my lead. DeNiro ovr there is researchin a new role.”
“Do any of you guys know how David Attenborough gets such good pictures?”
The King
Atlascerise @ 36 : You got my vote!!
” Ok Jimmy, you and Al just keep ignoring that cute heifer. Thats it… Just a little closer. OK BOYS JUMP!!
Atlas aint gonna get th prize.
He may win th CONTEST, but he WONT get th prize.
Dammit guys – don’t let Atlas win the competition! I already owe him a prize!!!
I guess you never know when Malach will show up.
Now we’re cookin’! Joey is winning with #50 as of this point. That one got the biggest laugh around Cow Central.
Ah, Rev … Youre a suckr fer that “Bee Joke” je ne sais quoi, aintcha?
I fergot to incklude th link, fer any newr readrs …
The Bee Joke
Whatever gets the biggest guffaw wins, Joey! What can I say?
I can sing, but none of you would like what it sounds like
queenwilly: Don’t jump to conclusions. Someone might have read it to him.
Hahaha. Yeah, insult me and expect to win. Not.
36 for the win… Come on! That shit SO takes the fucking cake.
HAHAHA! As Atlas was preparin that one, heres th one I was preparin!
Sigh. The world is missing out on all this genyus. We gotta get more players before January.
Don’t forget your entries, too. ;)
Oh – did you guys put some entries in?
[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~ The Reverend]
HAHAHAHAHAHA – You guys are really cracking me up now. :-)
(I particularly commend the use of quote marks in this one – perfection!)
HAHAHAHA! That’s a keeper.
Shouldn’t that be Aparthide??
I dont envy ya havin to pick a winnr, Revrend. Lotsa laffs hereski!
[HAHAHAHAHA! – Reverend]
[LOL ~ Reverend]
Yep. Realy dont envy ya.
Billy hasn’t been the same since the moon jump.
… and that’s what happened to the cheese sandwich.
[Well of course, I found this one hilarious, but I’d need to do a separate post to explain to everyone else why it’s funny! But 10/10 for thinking outside the box ~ Reverend]
Anyway, Billy’s mother sucks cocks in – Hello Billy, didn’t see you there.
[Ha! Peter Graves. What a talent]
HA!! queenwilly for QUEEN!
Server freaked out on me.
I keep thinking it’s Thursday
So then they open the Ark of the Covenant, and their faces start melting and … oh … sorry Billy.
I hear them robots are undetectable, what do you think Billy?
The King
Is that a response to th preceding, or a closin of th contest?
Contest is not closed yet! I’m still laughing.
“Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo mooo.”
[See also: #48 ~ Reverend]
If that means what I think it means …
[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! – you betcha!!!]
36, 95, 97 (HOLY SHIT! HAHAHAHAHA!!) and 204. Technically 97 can’t be a caption but I almost pissed myself reading it. As for my votes, those definitely win. Moooyeah Niggga!
Those last three are classic.
[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! – that’s hilarious]
Thanks fer deletin th botchd version o #213.
Maybe you coud excise th earlyer refrence to #213, since NOW #213 dont look IMPROPR.
Fer that mattr, maybe you coud 86 this coment as well.
DANG, if revisions dont have repercussions!
What was that Joey? Delete Comment #86? Ooops. Oh dang. Now they’re all out of order and… well.. sheeeeyit…
#196. hahahahahaha
And that, ladies and gents, is the best way that I can think of to wind it up! Competition closed! Winner TBA!
The wall at Cow Central.
Hahahahahaha! And Atlas has made a special present too, but you’ll all have to wait until I announce the winners. Which in turn will have to wait until I get a free $&%$%^$* two minutes.
Sorry folks. Sometimes I have to do real work.
Im workin on my own Cow Caption Commemorative.
Figgrd Id string th entrys togethr & put em all on a roll you can carry around wif ya — each entry on its own detachable, 2-ply, quiltd sheet.
Now now, Joey – I think you’re selling yourself short!