Sat 29 Dec 2012
He’s From Barcelona
Posted by anaglyph under Simple Graphics Man
[10] Comments

From my inbox this morning, a special surprise SGM! It’s supposed to be a warning not to relieve oneself in the street, but without the companion banner (which is just asking for some judicious disappearing) there is no visual indication that SGM shouldn’t be pissing in the gutter. One could be forgiven, then, for taking the graphical icon as a recommendation.

Uh-oh SGM. Might be a long night in a small room for you…
Big thanks to Karl for this one!
bad form peeing with no hand support. Especially since it’s umm…rather small.
At least there doesn’t appear to be a strong breeze.
By the way, where’s the graphic for the other interdicted activity?
Good point.
Surely you do not seek to traduce Heironyimus Degas’ to some mere signage. His powerful “Flea leaps to freedom from belly button lint nest into water of unknown depth.” stands as a turning point in Catalan culture. It’s art innit?
The perils of watching The Count of Monte Cristo once too often.
I think it’s time to ease off on the coleus leaves, Pete.
Ponder for a minute on the significance of the companion banner being in English and not Spanish.
Hey yes, good point! Either there’s a bit of a problem with the Anglos and their bladders, or it’s OK for Spaniards to spray as they want…