Sat 29 May 2010
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Insane People, Religion, Scary, Skeptical Thinking, SmashItWithAHammer, Stupidity, Vitriol
[22] Comments
There are in the world some truly detestable human beings, and Fred Phelps, pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas is one of them. This poisonous hate-filled individual is about as repugnant as anyone living on this planet can possibly be. His peculiar Fascist-Calvinist view of Christianity holds that Christ died so that only a few ‘elect’ people will be ‘saved’ and believes he is one of the elite on Earth who is worthy of God’s Grace. You decide what kind of a God might want to claim this man:
That’s one seething humanity-loathing mess of a person. That’s a man who has hate infused so thoroughly in his being that I doubt he can experience much else. I imagine that being inside his head is like living in a perpetually mouldy rat-infested sewer. How does someone get to be like this? More to the point, how does a person like that get through their obviously misery-saturated day? If ever I need to remind myself how much I love life, living, my friends, my family and this wonderful experience of EVERYTHING around me, I think I need only watch that video again.
You’ve been reading Tetherd Cow Ahead: proudly brought to you from the Land of the Sodomite Damned.
I never thought he’d make even a grain of sense till I saw the link “God Hates The World.Com”. If God exists, then he sure hates the world. He’s ‘blessed’ us with:
1. Fred Phelps
2. Fred Nile
3. Danny Nalliah
4. Melissa Rogers
5. Tom Cruise
6. Oh and eye disease, parasites, blood disorders, cancer etc the list goes on…
Fortunately a few Aussie Poofters and Dikes are trying to make the world a better place, but since it’s creator already hates it then yes, they are clearly going against God’s will.
Poor old God, he must be one miserable son of a bitch to be so nasty, why doesn’t he just kill us all and be done with it? It wouldn’t be because he’s just a powerless construct would it..?
Go on God, I dare you, strike me down before I finish typing this, go on you Fag hating weakling, it can’t be that hard. As your all-seeing-eye can tell I am unarmed.
Still waiting…
Oh fuck it then, I’ll post my little ramble you weakling deity.
Huh, I dunno what all the fuss is about sometimes…
The King
So the question is – do you want to be in heaven with God and Fred Phelps or in Hell with the rest of us?
Sorry. That was rhetorical.
Still waiting…
Go on I dare you…
The King
Hey, you there, the all powerful one, YES YOU!
A brain aneurism right now!
Heart attack…
Blood clot?
Trivector death ray..?
Your not completely powerless are you?
Still waiting…
Bored now…
Not even a backache!
You’re hopeless mate!
Jesus was gay, Mary liked a bit of the furry cup!
C’mon God, are you having a night off or something?
Maybe you’ll get me tomorrow…
The King
Trivector Death Ray? The boffins in the lab got really excited when they read that.
Oops damn, God infected my spelling with a your instead of you’re…
Is that really the best you can do Lord, typos?
The Church of the Holy Typo. Hmm it does have millions of potential members…
Teg Tsffed ten o allmghty 1
eht Gink
Ehlp!!!! Eh’s tog me!!
Misery-saturatd, Revrend? I dunno …
I cant help but think that Id be ecstatick to discovr that God hates all th same things I do.
The real problem in Fred Phelps’ case though is that God plainly does not hate Australia. This is God’s Own country for chrissakes.
Maybe this guy didn’t catch Carlin’s sarcasm and thought a Church of Sarcasm (which Mr. Fred here would clearly name after himself) was appropriate.
Besides, this is just another heretic spewing forth bad logic, even with regards to the Christian religion (and I believe I know your stance on logic there, so please bear with me).
As counterpoint to this guy’s gloom and doom, let me try to put a thought into the minds that are still open. As the bible says, god is essentially omniscient and omnipotent. Similarly, god created everything. Similarly, god is good. My thought has always been that, sure, since god is the creator, anything he does must be good, because he did it. It is our perceptions of whatever this god does that make us think perhaps that those actions are evil.
So think for a minute, what if god is really OK with all the things this guy doesn’t like (even though the bible clearly shows that those actions are evil)? Isn’t this bible written by man? If god destroyed the world tomorrow, would it be evil, since god is doing it? What about smiting folks? Does that make it OK for us to do since god can do it?
My point is, don’t get too worked up about arseholes like you see in this clip. Sure, they may be old, angry, and generally of a negative disposition, but it gives them no more credence than if I were to go on video and state the opposite.
Although, being that he is in Australia, maybe his rage is simply misguided, and he is pissed at the government and ESRB for keeping all those awesome games out…. (that was a joke, in case you miss my sarcasm).
Keep up the good work!
Just a point of correction – he’s an American Baptist not an Australian.
I’m not worked up about him – I think he’s a sad and pathetic individual and I actually feel sorry for him. I can’t imagine his life is anything more than a hateful progression of incidents of self-loathing.
Well what do you know, I’m still here.
I wonder how long I should run this experiment for?
God only knows…
The King
The even scarier part about Phelps? During the 60’s he was a big time Civil Rights lawyers . . then something happened, he found Jesus, at least his version of Jesus.
hahaha I LOVE Michael Moore’s sodom mobile. Great links. Thanks Fred.
At least Fred hates everybody equally. He’s an equal opportunist hater.
Well I’m sure I’ll die with a smile on my face…
I’m a fan of ‘happy endings’ you know!
The King
ps Still waiting…
Actually Fred can go in my place, I often wonder about the irony inherent in these people – I mean if they love their God so much, why can’t we help them on their way to meet their maker – or better still why don’t they do it themselves as a matter of Faith?
The King
I concur. If Fred was to accidentally fall off a train platform who would notice?
I think the answer to your question is “all the subsequent celebrants”.