Sun 29 Mar 2009
Halo Goodbye
Posted by anaglyph under Insane People, Sister Veronica
[32] Comments

Today, Mister Ffoeg wrote to Sister Veronica, enclosing a picture of himself (above) and the following missive:
Subject: ever seen a real halo?
Date: 27 March 2009 2:39:03 AM
To: sisterveronica@tetherdcow.comthe photo is not edited at all. i saved it at lowest quality in hopes of merely pixelating it and sure enough (i was on a weird kick at the time) i was manifesting this halo. it tastes great and it’s less filling.
I make the following observations:
•‘Ffoeg’ is ‘Geoff’ backwards. That’s pretty lame.
•Mr Ffoeg implies that Sister Veronica’s halo is not real. That’s impolite.
•Mr Ffoeg evidently ate his halo. That’s bizarre.
•Mr Ffoeg believes his halo is tasty and ‘less filling’. Less filling than what? A plate of cheese fries? Walkabout Soup? The Zero? That’s far fetched.
•Mr Ffoeg, despite being completely off his face on halo-juice, is able to correctly punctuate his emails (despite having no Shift key on his computer). That’s suspicious.
Make of all this what you will. Sister Veronica just looked at the email and said:
By the tone of her voice, I assume that’s not meant to be a compliment. Please feel free to write to Mr Ffoeg and ask him further questions about the nutritional value (or just plain tastiness) of haloes. Perhaps he has recipes, and/or serving suggestions!*
*Y’know, when I was a kid, I always thought ‘serving suggestion’ meant ‘add strawberries’. That’s because I only ever saw those words each morning on the Cornflakes packet, as I munched away at my breakfast.
A little bit of research and the answer soon appears:
The King
Aint Sistr Veronica due to have her halo pixelatd?
King Willy: Ahahaha! What jolly fun! Pets and their human playing happily without a care in the world! I have similar photos myself!
Joey: Sister Veronica says to tell you you’re nawty.
Cissy Strutt: Of the highest order.
Jebus is that you?
He looks like Guy Pierce.
I think he looks like a crysan.. no that’s wrong …. a chrysantham … nooo ….. a chrisantha ….. oh pooh ….. a pansy!
He has a sort of Walter Raleigh thing going on, I reckon.
Gaius Baltar?
Halo to the King
You sure that’s not a pixellated photo from
the recent Charles Manson interview?
Sorry, I didn’t mean to go all anonymous on
you. I’m a bit new to all this, you can get a
reference from DaddyP.
Just wanted to see what my name looked like backward…rather nice I think. Better than ffoeg anyway. I sound like a Bond villan.
I won’t attempt proper punctuation.
Wouldn’t want to behave suspiciously, after all.
Who goes there — Ffriendg or Ffoeg?
King Willy: Same detachment from reality…
Anonymous (aka Steven): Hello and welcome to The Cow! Well, it would be a first for us to have Charles Manson commenting here on TCA, but I’m thinking the likelihood that Charlie has acquired a halo is rather small.
Mar Marataknev: Yes! A Russian Evil Mastermind if ever I saw one. If you should ever move on from Food Here, your career in World Domination has already got a great start!
Joey: Fiend or fog?
Would it be rude to write to Mr Ffoeg and ask if he knows Guy Pearce?
Possibly Mr. ffoeG has led us all astray, and isn’t talking about eating halo’s at all, but “olah”‘s, which are, I believe, the the Norwegian slang for a rude secretion from a pig.
Pil: Not at all. Let us know what he says.
Colonel: Aha! You have decrypted Mr Ffoeg!Or should I perhaps say RM Ffoeg…? Now I think we’re getting to the mottob of this.
… the bottom of the pig …?
Yes, I think that’s where this whole escapade has been leading us! Up a pig’s bottom.
You are all nuts! I have halo every morning for breakfast. It tastes like Twinkies. And they have a shelf life of eternity.
Wait, I called you all nuts, sorry, very rude. That would indicate you are all now my afternoon snack. Again with the food!
You are not my snack, sorry. There is no WAY I would munch on something as questionable as Joey or even worse, Malach.
Questionable indeed!
I mean, how dyou munch sompm thats meant t be slurpd?
If you’re really lucky, Joey, she’ll even take her teeth out before she starts snacking.
I’ve said it before – guys please get a room!
The King
You heard o Brangelina and Bennifer and TomKat.
Ladys & germs, say hello to Atlanski!
Atlanski? hmmm, I wonder where they are?
Good lord, a new ‘hybrid’ blogger is born, the man from Atlanski.
The King
Hey there’s lots of pictures of him/them here! Just like I imagined!
I hope theres a place like Atlantis …
… bcause me & Atlas are bofe men in search of a little cuntry.
So true, Joey. Some Down Under cuntry, please.
You should see what I had for supper last night :D