Thu 31 Aug 2006
From Tiny Eggcorns Do Mighty Yolk Trees Grow
Posted by anaglyph under Words
[6] Comments
Usually, whenever I hear someone mangle the English language I just want to scream. Now, however, my ears are on high alert for daft language mash-ups, because I have a new mission in life: to get an original entry in The Eggcorn Database.
An eggcorn is one of those words or phrases that has come into existence because someone doesn’t know or understand the actual thing they intend to say. For example:
→ This rain all goes well for next year’s crop… (augurs well)
→ My fridge gave up the goat… (gave up the ghost)
→ The ancient manuscript was written entirely in sandscript… (Sanskrit)
→ She had big pus jewels on her face… (pustules)
… and so forth. These ones I’ve heard myself (The ‘sandscript’ one surfaced in a tv documentary that should have known better – I laughed about it for hours), but the Eggcorn Database contains many that I’ve never encountered. It’s hilarious reading.
An eggcorn must be more than just an ordinary linguistic mistake. There has to be some kind of logic in the error that illuminates the circumstances under which it came about. It’s kinda easy to see why old documents from dusty Middle Eastern countries would be written in ‘sandscript’, right?
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I suppose mangled euphemisms and/or cliches don’t count i.e. telling someone to keep their butt clean when the speaker meant to say “keep your nose clean?”
Er. Maybe there’s another word for that…
In America, th Eggcorn Database is calld “Mr President.”
Joey: LOL. So true, so true.
I remembr durin Bushs 2000 campain, he said sompm like: “My message is beginnin to resignate wit th American people.”
I think maybe he shoud think about resignatin his office.
Heard on tv the other day: “She was using the drugs as an escape goat.”