Wed 11 Feb 2009
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Idiots, In The News, Insane People, Scary, WooWoo
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WooWoo Beliefs – A TCA Educational Series: Episode #4

This is Danny Nalliah. Danny is some kind of flavour of Pentecostal Christian, and believes (or says he believes) that the Bible is the literal Word of God. Danny is a most irksome person at this very moment, because he also believes, and has made public his belief, that the terrible bushfires that are raging not more than 20 miles from my home are the result of divine retribution from God. Danny says God has done this because Victoria, my home state, recently decriminalized abortion.
On the website for his appropriately named ‘Catch the Fire Ministries’* Danny says that in November last year he had a dream in which he “saw fire everywhere with flames burning very high and uncontrollably”.† He interpreted the dream to mean that God had “removed his conditional protection on Australia, and in particular on the state of Victoria for approving the slaughter of innocent children in the womb”.
Danny Nalliah epitomizes what I despise about religion. His self-righteous posturing, and despicable ignorant proselytizing is primitive and dangerous. He has told his followers that if they pray for forgiveness, God will deliver them from this horrific tragedy, and spare further fires. Of course, Danny wins whether or not the fires stop or worsen; if they die back, then the prayers are successful, if they flare up again, then God is still pissed. This is not a new game to Nalliah – before the last Australian elections he prophesied: “I will boldly declare that Prime Minister John Howard will be re-elected in the November election (if the Body of Christ unites in prayer and action) and pass the leadership onto Peter Costello sometime after.”
Of course, he was plain wrong, but sadly, for some reason religion is rarely called to answer for blunders of such magnitude. I guess that’s what happens when you write an escape clause into everything you ‘predict’.
*I’m certainly not linking to this reprehensible organization – they don’t deserve the honour.
†As prophetic dreams go, this is pretty standard fare – there’s no specific prediction of a bushfire (it could just as easily have been a bomb blast, an industrial accident or an incident of arson, or riffing metaphorically, any of a hundred other things), and there’s no specified time limit (so it could be in a month, or in a year, or a decade). You see how this goes – a fire of some kind, at some time, is hardly much of a prophesy. Especially in a land that has bushfires every summer, to a greater or lesser degree of damage.
Yeah, I was going to say fires burning is hardly a new vision, prophesy-wise.
See, I grew up around prophesy, and while you did have some seriously manipulative people using it as a tool, most prophets were honest people who really believed God told them to say something. Sometimes in tongues, which is creepy.
I still deal with the old church sometimes, and it never ceases to amaze me how often normal, hardworking, pragmatic people just accept that God had something to say to them, and that he would leave an escape clause (“unless you change your ways…”, etc).
Now that I don’t believe any of that crap, and I don’t think I ever did, I just see the psychological usefulness of finding cause where none exists.
If life is indeed so precious (and thus, should be ‘protected’), how does God creating fire to kill innocent people (most likely some who even agree that abortion is wrong) just and right? It’s the same thing with people who blow up abortion clinics. It’s still killing.
Casey: Finding cause where none exists is only psychologically useful in the most banal of ways though. It makes you feel better. Just like believing in Santa Claus. It doesn’t allow you to usefully progress, except via some kind of reality-obscuring religious haze that takes you back a step for every two you go forward. In my opinion, we have to get over this, and quick. It’s a nice warm comfy cozy feeling to think that God is watching out for us, but he’s not, and nature is a bitch and we are at her whim. When we start realizing that, we’re on our way to become a species that doesn’t just screw up ourselves and our world because we always have the Get Out of Jail Free card to play when something goes wrong.
In any case, Danny Nalliah is not about that kind of religion. He’s all about power and fear. He’s telling you that God will smack you down for any transgression that ‘The Church’ sees as inconvenient.
Atlas: Go back one post. Danny Nalliah is one of the people who failed to get off at the Logic Centre exit.
Uhh, Danny, why hasn’t God burned down the US? Abortions been legal here since ’73.
Oh, I forgot what Dubya taught us, we are God’s Children here in the US.
We didn’t start the fire!
It was always burning
By the Lord, discerning!
We didn’t start the fire!
Oh He had to light it
Cuz we tried to fight it!
Malach: I guess he’s cutting you some slack on account of the overturning of Prop 8 last year.
Atlas: I thought fire was the Devil’s department anyway…
Someone should shoot him.
I’ve got a better idea Purple Dragon. Stick that bible up his ass and put a plug in it
I remember smiling as we burnt the Catholic envoy who came to the castle years ago.
I told him he should be happy, he would be meeting his God in just a few short minutes.
Strangely though I saw fear in his face, perhaps he hadn’t fully repented for all his sins here on earth…
Then there are Liver Flukes, Eye Parasites, Diabetes – maybe he realised in those last seconds that God was a bit of a nasty old arsehole after all
The (secular) King
ps Haven’t been struck down yet.
Still waiting…
Still waiting…
Still waiting…
The King
Least he’s getting some good press:
The King
Purple Dragon: You realise you’ll burn in Hell for that remark.
Nurse Myra: I don’t think that’s a good idea. He might enjoy it.
King Willy: You will be struck down. Eventually. I saw it in a vision.
Have you consulted Peter Popoff about all of this?
Peter Popoff has been rather quiet of late. I guess he gave up on me. Or ran out of things to send me (there was starting to be some repetition…)
So… what are you saying? Are you trying to tell me something? Do you need help getting more Peter Popoff propaganda?
I think I could get more PP propaganda myself, without your help, if that’s what I really wanted.