Sun 21 Jan 2007
Filthy Lucre
Posted by anaglyph under Signs
[6] Comments
This sign in the window of a place I pass on my way to work. If they lent you some used money, you might want to take it here:
Thanks Sarah for the Coin Laundry pic!
I can’t believe you give me a hard time for using puns, but you go and post something like this. Somewhere, President Bush is scratching his head and still trying to decif-, deciphu,- decyph,-…figure this out.
N lemme tell ya what t do if they lend ya some UPSIDE DOWN money.
jmf: There are no puns involved… double meanings maybe, but not puns. And anyway, I seem to recall saying once upon a time that puns weren’t funny here on The Cow unless The Reverend makes them. This still holds true.
Joey: As I think I pointed out in your referred post, if the money is upside down then, according to the Upside Down Crucifix Law, it becomes, ipso facto, cleansed.
I know it’s not a pun. But it is just as stupid. Of course, that’s why we love you and keep coming back for more Cow love.
Gee, if I tried to make The Cow a Stupidity Free Zone I wouldn’t have anything else to talk about.
To make a pun,
Or to make Cow love?
Use yer brane for th one,
Fer th other, a glove.