Sun 9 Apr 2006
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Signs, Whimsy
[9] Comments
The biggest scandal since Mrs McIntosh served the Archbishop raspberry lamingtons at Lent.
Sun 9 Apr 2006
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Signs, Whimsy
[9] Comments
The biggest scandal since Mrs McIntosh served the Archbishop raspberry lamingtons at Lent.
Electrons are the devil’s playthings. They’re always so negative.
Ah. That must be why I took to computers like a quackless duck to homeopathic water.
So, what was it that you sent them that caused such a fuss, anyhow?
ive bin doin a bit of sum chasin a badger buts i lost him
if you sees him coud you lets me know
hes black and gots a bit of sum whites color on his head
and i finks his name is alan
oh yeah i forgots to tell you anuvver fing
hes a bits smelly
Thanks t my ol cattykissem teachr, Saucy Sistr Cecilia, there was plenny o hard-rockin at our parish too.
You told me you would not forward that email to anyone!!! You promised!!!
mmmm…. sauce.
Little Noodle: I don’t think he can have wandered this far. Which is probably just as well ’cause I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t get on well with wombats.
Joey: I’m sure you had a jolly time playing with the organ and genuflecting in the seminary.
Anne Arkham: But it just went to the church laundry… I thought you said you wanted someone to take care of your dirty habits…
Jill: mmmm… raspberry lamingtons