Thu 26 Apr 2007
Dog House
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Hmmm..., In The News, Politics
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The American rapper Snoop Dog has been banned from entering Australia where he was due to host the Australian MTV Awards this weekend because he was deemed by the Australian Department of Immigration as being of ‘unfit character’.
“He doesn’t seem the sort of bloke we want in this country,” said Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews.
Oh no sirreee! We only admit persons of much higher moral fibre. Like, oh, er… this guy!
Channel 9 news featured a very classy story on this last night filled with such gems as “The dog was stuck in the pound” and “Who let the dog in?”.. Journalism at it’s highest.
Cheney’s got a very authentic looking gangsta mean-mug going on. Any minute he’s gonna pull out his gat. I overheard Dick and Snoop talking about Australia the other day, they were saying they had to give you guys a little. Word. That they had to break you off a little somthing, City of Compton. I guess if you guys want it…
Oh, uh that was me.
Snoop is prettier than Dick. That should count for something.
Reminds me of the Channel 10 ‘news’ story the other night (what was I doing watching a commercial news program – I have no idea …) that featured the start of the (surprise surprise) Channel 10 program ‘Big Brother’. Surely advertising your own programs on your own news is stooping to an unbelievable new low, even for the commercial networks.
I think they attempted to justify it by referring to the ‘controversy’ that Big Brother has stirred up in the past.
Well, look at it this way, Revrend …
If you had th choice o bein deprivd of yer Dogg & bein deprivd of yer Dick, what woud you choose?
Joey: hahahaha.
Snoop Dog? Well, I’m not sure you’re really missing much, even if the whole thing is pretty silly (or stupid). Here in America, where we always strive to go one better, we have banned Cat Stevens and Farley Mowat from entering the country.
LouLou: But but but… I get ALL my news from Channel 9!
Casey: It oesn’t surprise me that Dick and Dogg are in cahoots…
Cissy Strutt: Agreed!
Universal Head: When I saw the Snoop Dog story on the ABC news, they fastidiously avoided mentioning the MTV Awards and instead said ‘A nationally broadcast music award”. Heh. Good Ol’ Aunty.
Joey: Fortunately I have a cat, so the question is more likely to be whether I have to choose between being without my pussy or my pussy.
jmf: Agreed.
Colonel: Personally I don’t much care whether Snoop Dog visits, but I certainly take exception to Dick being let in with such welcome arms.
I think fair’s fair, and if you guys get to ban Snoop Dogg, we get to ban Dick Cheney from coming back in. So that’s that. Y’all have to keep him now.