Tue 5 May 2009
Do Not Iron
Posted by anaglyph under Signs
[9] Comments

Pil found this sign on Parramatta Rd in Sydney. She seemed to think it strange, but isn’t that the way you stop the colours from running?
Tue 5 May 2009
Posted by anaglyph under Signs
[9] Comments
Pil found this sign on Parramatta Rd in Sydney. She seemed to think it strange, but isn’t that the way you stop the colours from running?
They should remove “car wash” and add “JOB” and they would get a lot more customers.
Nfackt, aint that whatcha do when ya wanna go a little longr wifout doin th washin?
What’s a hand car?
Malach: How can you possibly know they’re not getting enough customers already?
Joey: You have a point.
Cissy: It’s what a car is before it becomes a second hand car.
Pil thinks everything is strange. I think only Wil is.
That’s ‘His Majesty’ to you Myra!
$18 to get both a 4wd and a van done sounds pretty cheap too.
Cheaper than cables.
The King
I seen one in another part of town that was Super Super Super Cheap for $9.00. I’m goin’ there.
To add to Cissy, Hand Cars can’t get washed there. Only Super Cheap Hand Cars.
And where this weird icon thingee come from beside my posts?
and that’s NURSEmyra to you King Willy ;-)