Fri 31 Aug 2012
Curious Logic
Posted by anaglyph under In The News, Science, Skeptical Thinking, Words
[23] Comments
The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands. ~ Oscar Wilde
The Sydney Morning Herald is carrying at the moment, as one of the ‘Editor’s Picks’, this story which salaciously promises to reveal to the world the ‘dirty little secret’ behind the Mars rover Curiosity. It’s a shabby piece of hyperactive journalism from the blog of writer Geoff Brumfiel and echoed back through Slate, which essentially uses hyperbole and paranoia to try to spin the fact that Curiosity is powered by nuclear fuel into some kind of meaningful comment on… oh, I don’t even know what the point is supposed to be. ((The tone of the article reminds me of nothing so much as a dinner guest pointing out to his convivial companions – for the express reason of making himself the centre of attention by being contrary – that people are starving in Africa. There are people who seem to compulsively feel the need to attempt to suck the life out of the joy & inspiration of others.))
As mostly anyone with any acumen understands, Curiosity uses nuclear power to implement its science, unlike its smaller cousins Opportunity and Spirit which were/are powered by solar cells. ((Contrary to the implication on Brumfiel’s blog, NASA has not tried to ‘cover up’ this fact in any way whatsoever. It’s easily available with all the other information about the Mars Science Lab, on the Curiosity site.)) Solar power is great for space missions where you don’t need to do anything too hefty, but it has limitations, especially in the outer solar system where sunlight is feeble, or in circumstances where you wish to deploy energy-intensive instruments like Curiosity’s ChemCam laser. The problem is that the fuel required for Curiosity’s tiny reactor, Plutonium 238, is not manufactured in the US any longer, and so a small amount of it has been acquired by NASA from Russia for the exclusive purpose of powering space craft (a legacy of the old Soviet Union’s now decommissioned nuclear weapons program is that a stock of Pu-238 still exists in storage).
The main thrust of Brumfiel’s article, then, is that Curiosity is nuclear powered and that its nuclear fuel comes from the manufacture of Evil Russian Nuclear Weapons. Well, to an extent that’s sort of true – for whatever relevance that has. Pu-238 can be garnered during the manufacture of the Pu-239 that is used for for nuclear weapons (and this is how the Russians made it) but it is actually an opportunistic re-use of the unused isotopes of the process – you can make Pu-238 without making bombs. It’s just that if you are making bombs anyway, you may as well use the waste for something useful.
Physicist Luke Weston, from the University of Melbourne, puts it like this:
[To make Pu-238] you need uranium targets, production reactors, preferably high flux reactors, and radiochemical processing facilities, so traditionally it has been sort of piggybacked onto the existing infrastructure at the weapons labs, but no, it’s not really a “byproduct”.
NASA doesn’t particularly want to get the Pu-238 from the Russians and would like to control its manufacture in the US, but, Luke continues:
There has been a fight between NASA and DOE over the last couple of years regarding who should pay for the restart of USA Pu-238 production capacity – NASA says DOE should continue to do it, because DOE has the facilities and expertise, but Congress refuses to allow it to come out of DOE budgets – and as a result, planetary science right now and in the near future is suffering.
So, by using the Russian Pu-238, NASA is merely being pragmatic. Let’s be clear here – the stuff is already in existence. If it’s not being used for something, it’s just sitting on a shelf. ((Arguably being somewhat of a problem.)) We can’t unmake it. ((Seriously: what’s A BETTER way to use the stuff? Anyone?))
Geoff Brumfiel doesn’t think we should see it like that, however. He provocatively reminds us just how irresponsible the Russians were with their nuclear weapons manufacture, and how awful the ramifications were and then colourfully declares:
A few pounds of Stalin’s finest plutonium-238 hitched a ride to Mars on the back of Curiosity.
This kind of journalism is not helpful, enlightening or germane. It’s just grubbing around in the dirt for tawdry titillation and Mr Brumfiel should be truly ashamed of himself for doing it. It’s hardly even worthy of the Daily Mail.
Let me try to illustrate the logical sleight-of-hand being played out here.
This week, we saw the death of astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on the surface of another world. Armstrong’s passing was universally mourned. If we were so inclined, however, we could point out that NASA and Armstrong were aided in their grand lunar endeavour by the rocket propulsion systems designed for the Nazis in World War 2 by Wernher Von Braun – rockets meant for the express purpose of raining down death and destruction on terrified English citizens. Von Braun, in his post-war role as NASA’s chief scientist in the Saturn V program (having been famously and clandestinely ‘acquired’ after the war by the US military to help with their rocket science), designed the rocket engines that launched Apollo 11 into space and carried it to the moon. To attempt to portray the Apollo moon missions in this way sounds petty and stupid and pathetic, and yet, this is the very same kind of tactic used by Geoff Brumfiel in the Curiosity article, which has been circulated around the world and now warrants the ‘editor’s pick’ in the SMH. We can even extrapolate further: Curiosity also used the very same Nazi rocket technology that underpinned the Saturn V program to get to Mars, but Brumfiel is not telling that story here. Why? Because even people with zero science education would spot it for the irrelevant and egregious nonsense it is. Oh, and it doesn’t have the scary spectre of nookyular to juice it up.
Geoff Brumfiel claims that he is ‘as happy as anyone’ that Curiosity is on Mars, something I find disingenuous given the hand-wavingly hysterical tone of his article. He finishes up:
There’s nothing wrong with oooh-ing and aaah-ing over Curiosity’s photos. The project is an incredible achievement, and the science it produces will be amazing. But remember this, too: That little rover on Mars has left a big mess back here on Earth.
This kind of bereft backwards logic makes me furious. No, Mr Brumfiel – the fact is that when that nuclear material was made, a trip to the Red Planet by a mobile science lab with a computer brain was very much the stuff of science fiction. Trying to brand NASA or Curiosity with the responsibility for any ‘mess’ made by decades-old nuclear programs is vapid sensationalist rubbish dressed up in wilful scare-mongering.
At this point in time, when the world is in desperate need of better understanding of science, what it truly doesn’t need is silly Frankenstein’s Monster-style journalism masquerading as science commentary. Thanks Geoff Brumfiel, and Slate, for adding to the huge oxygen-depleted ocean of dreck-filled sludge that is slowly sucking us back into the Middle Ages.
Thanks to Jo Benhamu for spotting the article and for Luke Weston for allowing me to quote from his comments.
I, for one, am grateful for the German help with regard to faking our moon landing.
There were Germans in Arizona?
XKCD’s article on this was perfectly timed. A few weeks later and it would have fallen so flat.
Aaagh! Link! I searched back through XKCD but couldn’t find the one you were talking about…
Then by making someone revisit the archives, I accomplished a good thing!
But yes, sorry: I meant to say that would have fallen flat, if it were posted any time after
Anytime’s a good time for visiting XKCD. Yes, I’ ve seen both those ones and so true. Although there are still many for whom the accomplishment is about having big clodhoppery human feet leave footprints.
I read the article and like you couldn’t understand the whole point of it.
I would’ve thought the use of nuclear energy for something not related to weapons would be very welcome.
The point of it is that everone else is having a parade and Geoff Brumfiel feels a compulsion to rain on it.
I googled ‘Geoff Brumfiel slate’ and got Slate’s website as the first hit, with exactly one article relating to this douchenozzle, and it’s the nominal article.
If we look further it links to… A BLOG!!!! Now we have a veritable source as to the types of musings of said douchenozzle.
Oh my, oh my. This is one horrible blog. It’s a month old today, it appears!
My gracious, this man is demented. Let’s look at the article ‘Why is Curiosity’s Secret a Secret.’
The first gripe of that article is that the JPL doesn’t really advertise Curiosity’s power supply. Well, aside from the fact that it’s the Jet Propulsion Lab, does link to the Curiosity site, which does link to the power tech section, here:
As one can clearly see, the JPL links to the Curiosity site, which clearly explains that nuclear is the power, baby! Ahh, what research can do for us. Wonders, right? It certainly makes me wonder, anyway…
Second, there is a potential shortage of Pu-238, but it hardly has anything to do with actually making nuclear power at this point. We are talking about space missions, not fueling everyone’s car. There’s less Helium too, a real shortage, but no one cares about that because it’s not directly nuclear… although, unlike Brumfiel, I am going to stop talking about it since I don’t know more about it…
The third reason is bollocks. Does he care where the gasoline in his car came from? Wonder how much is from sanctioned countries, or formerly sanctioned countries, or former enemies… not to mention the nuclear fuel in our reactors and stuff here on earth.
Oh, and then there’s the health hazard. Better be regulating the sun soon, because of all those helium atoms it’s shooting off… that’s right, a kilo of space Pu-238 or U-235 is gonna do so much more harm than the 1.4 billion kilometer reactor in the center of our solar system that throws of the same stuff, and loads more that’s actually dangerous…
Good find, Rev.
I looked at his blog. It’s not bad in many respects and there’s even some interesting stuff. He obviously considers himself an expert on things nuclear, and seems knowledgeable in this in many respects. Well the truth is that his facts in the Curiosity article are all pretty good. It’s the stupid conflations that he makes that are the problem.
The truly telling thing here is that the story got picked up widely – that’s because the salacious aspect of it appeals to lowbrow news rags. The Oscar Wilde quote at the beginning of my post sums it up.
In a way, this is the most dangerous kind of bad science reporting – it has a basis of solid data, but that data is then spun into a ridiculous and unsupportable conclusion. People who don’t have the rational thinking skills to sift it properly (which is pretty much everyone who reads a newspaper) will most likely take it at face value.
Geoff Brumfiel is right. How can you Nazi that?
Hey rev, did my last comment go to spam?
No – articles with more than a certain number of URLs go to moderation as a spam protection. It’s approved.
Ahh, I see. That’s a good feature. I was having net problems here at exactly the same time, so I feared that Chrome may have had a tasty text snack. Yay!
” That little rover on Mars has left a big mess back here on Earth.”
This quote really got me.
So..the Curiosity is responsible for climate change, ocean acidification, de-forestation, running out of non-renewable fuels, Tony Abbot, lead poisoning, cane-toads, Tony Abbott, species extinction, cancer, whaling.. did I mentioned Tony Abbott?
Curiosity killed … oh, nevermind…
I just think Martian cats should be very very careful.
Yeah. NASA has got a lot to answer for. Stay tuned.
I remember back in the 80s when they were planning missions to mars, and said “well… we’re gonna have to give them nuclear power supplies” and there was a huuuge outcry, people asking “oh yeah, what happens if the launcher blows up, destroys your power supply, and spreads it over a wide area like some kind of dirty bomb? It’s not like launchers don’t blow up all the time, after all.”
And now, they launch it, and the first the media notices is after it’s touched down.
I’m assuming there was some intervening period where the technology was proven safe to everyone’s satisfaction. I think there have been a few launches with nuclear power supplies, and nothing went wrong, so I guess the media got bored and moved on.
Oh, there was a big kerfuffle when Cassini was launched and before that, I seem to remember the same thing in the 80s for Galileo when it went. Most of the missions that go out to the gas giants need nuclear. The exception is of course Juno which is using massive solar arrays.
Curiosity is the first near-Earth mission to have a nuclear power source. It’s just the word ‘nuclear’. It’s so indelibly etched into the hooples’ brains that nookyular’s bad m’kay? that lazy writers like this Brumfiel guy are assured of getting a knee-jerk reaction just by mentioning it. He’s a nitwit for writing it, but the depressing thing is all those ‘science’ editors who pick it up and run with it because it makes salacious copy. They’re frikkin retards for doing it.
Ha. I just found this TIME headline about the Galileo mission from 1989. You have to be a TIME subsciber to read the article, but from the extract I think we can surmise that it will be almost a carbon copy of the Curiosity one (with some hand waving about it blowing up on the launch pad thrown in for good measure).