Tue 15 Feb 2011
Cow Pie Chart
Posted by anaglyph under Bizarre, Cow Matters, CowBlogTech, Sister Veronica
[17] Comments
Top Ten searches that have brought people to Tetherd Cow Ahead in recent times. Sister Veronica sends a big shout out to all you wasp-loving Renaissance art perverts!
Impressive my son
I hope this is not intended to convey any kind of impression that you are wiser than me.
It would be flying in the face of evolution for Malach to have a son who had brains.
… or opposable thumbs, I’m guessing …
I’ve always loved you insightful work on ‘other’.
The King
I try my best.
Poor Yuliya …
… The Reverend’s heart apparently belongs to an Other.
Yuliya is a tart.
Malach is a mentart.
He’s certainly not a Mentat.
The fact that “biggest penis” is on your list does not necessarily mean you have a lot of penis related content on your site. It merely reflects how often the term is searched. God knows, I’ve done it.
It does reflect the number of searches that led here though. In other words, someone (or numerous someones) searching for ‘gay penis’ clicked on the link that brought them to TCA.
Almost inevitably that will have been because of this post.
Tree grows in lung – that’s how I got here…Alas, I inhaled an acorn last week and fear the worst.
Hmm… I think I would definitely fall under the Others category as well. It seems strange that the Others category makes up so much of your audience. I hope this changes through time. There’s always ‘tree grows in lung’!
Yeah, y’know what ‘Deborah’? Hiding your crummy lending loans website under a compressed URL won’t work either. What a miserable life you must lead trawling blogs and trying to get links in under the fence.
Thanks for becoming a supporter of the JREF!