Tue 30 Aug 2011
Clever Butt?
Posted by anaglyph under Bizarre, Creepy, In The News, Religion, Robots, Science, Technology
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Researchers at the Cornell Creative Machine Lab came up with the brilliant idea of getting Cleverbot, their ‘intelligent’ chat program, to engage with its own doppelganger.
Clever Clogs: meet Clever Clogs.
No. Please. No. Tell me that’s fake. Tell they scripted the conversation. Please?
Pretty sure it’s real.
Hmmm. They got a ways to go ’til they live up to the “creative” then. “Recreative” is more like it – those machines act like russian accented versions of Mr’n’Ms Everyman.
No small feat to be sure, but I’m not convinced we need more of that!
Sounds to me like two politicians talking.
No, it makes a LOT more sense than that.
I love it!!
And they’re running the stock exchanges…
Yes, that really came out of nowhere didn’t it? And they got to the God conversation pretty damn fast too. As usual though, it didn’t make any sense.
001101001011110110100101110111110101010010010101010100010101011000101010100100101001010100100101…OHH GOD YESSS!!!1110100100111101001001010101000000111111101001″camels?”
A word cloud made from this conversation between the two Clever Butts is eerily similar to one made from the content of Tetherd Cow.
I wonder what that means…
She’s a bit snippy, isn’t she.
She’s probably having a ‘bad software day’.
Actually, I realised this whole thing seemed eerily familiar: it’s the exact conversation I had with the Telstra fembot once.
Fuck off
Yeah, now sometimes conversing with a robot is w-a-a-a-y more productive than what you get from humans.