
A few nights ago I had one of those weird dreams that includes particular moments that are vividly memorable on waking. In this one, I dreamed that I had the number 17051 tattooed on my left hand, near the knuckle of my forefinger. In the dream, I had never noticed the number there before. This is the kind of thing that happens in dreams, although as you might remember there have been happenstances in my waking life where I’ve noticed for the first time something almost as unsettling on my hand.

This number’s main claim to fame appears to be that it is the zip code for Pennsylvania – a fact of which I had no previous (conscious) knowledge. It is also the ChEBI (Chemical Entities of Biological Interest) number of fluoride and the number of a main belt asteroid called Oflynn. It isn’t even a date or a prime number, which is quite disappointing.

I’m particularly interested in unusual words or word combinations and odd numbers that appear in dreams. Yours?

Conversation yesterday between Viridian and Vermilion, on the topic of Michael Jackson’s autopsy:

Vermilion: The idea that they cut up Michael Jackson makes me feel kinda creeped out.

Viridian: Well, it’s not like he’s never been cut up before…

Make your own!


Via Matt’s Musings. Thanks Matt!


I’m sure most of you have already figured it out, but I just wanted to explain the little signifiers[tippy title=”*”]Like this one.[/tippy] that I’ve been using in posts over the last few weeks. As you will have no doubt figured out by now, I am very fond of footnotes when I’m writing,[tippy title=”†”]…because they act like little asides. Sometimes I want to ‘comment’ on something, but also not interfere with the flow of the story.[/tippy] but since this is a hyperlink medium I’ve always found it a little irritating to make it necessary for my readers to have to scroll to the bottom of the page to read the jolly asides.[tippy title=”‡”]See how much I care about you all![/tippy] It’s especially annoying in long posts, and I fear that it is actually more upsetting to the flow of the narrative than if I’d actually chucked the comment in at the time.

In the modern world of internet communication, where we should not be under the thrall of rigid page-based text, it seemed to me odd that there was no way of ‘hyper-commenting’ on what I was writing. For a while I tried a plug-in called Tippy that was promising, but it was buggy and refused to work properly under Safari.

Well I am pleased to say that Tippy is now fully functional and after trialling it for a few weeks I am satisfied that it will be reliable enough to install permanently here on The Cow.

So, now when you see the little red characters popping up here and there, all you need to do is hover your mouse over the symbol and you will see the footnote. It will fade away once you move your mouse off again. If there is a link in the footnote, you can click on it and it will activate in a new window.[tippy title=”**”]Try it! Cool

I’ll still keep the footnotes at the bottom of the posts for all you Old School types who refuse to have anything to do with this new-fangled quantum-digital-electromagnetic-fields jiggery-pokery, but for the rest of you, I hope this new functionality[tippy title=”††”]
– what I shall henceforth dub ‘dynamic meta-commenting’…[/tippy] adds a new level of smoothness and enjoyment to your Cow experience.

Thank you for your attention. We now resume normal programming.


*Like this one.

†…because they act like little asides. Sometimes I want to ‘comment’ on something, but also not interfere with the flow of the story.

‡See how much I care about you all!

**Try it! Cool huh?!

††- what I shall henceforth dub ‘dynamic meta-commenting’…


VERY Premium


At NewStar, the relaxation starts with the rules of spelling and continues right through to the Happy Ending.


Thanks once more to Pil and her eagle eye! One more hi-lair-ree-us foto and she’ll have her Cow Merit Badge…


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