
It’s kinda de rigeur to make fun of the Japanese predilection for making up brand names that are odd or amusing to English eyes, but sometimes it can be poetically cute. My friend Annie bought me back this packet of gum from Tokyo.

If you have a hankering to try Watering Kiss Mint you can buy it from Giant Robot Store in four flavours: Lemon, Peach, Apple and ‘Clear’ (interesting).

Giant Robot Store – Link.

Well, I were curious weren’t I? How did salt water taffy get its name? Seems no-one knows. The National Candy Association puts forward this probably apocryphal story:

Many manufacturers claim a shopkeeper by the name of David Bradley was one of the first sellers of the candy. In 1883, a huge storm hit Atlantic City and flooded the boardwalk. Bradley’s store was flooded and the ocean water soaked his entire stock of taffy. In one account, a young girl asked if the store still had taffy for sale. Bradley jokingly told the girl to grab some ‘salt water taffy’. This is believed to be the first reference to salt water taffy.

Read more about it!

A couple of years ago I was working in California, just North of San Francisco and on a day off I visited a place called Bodega Bay which is where Alfred Hitchcock shot the exteriors for The Birds.

Bodega Bay is an unprepossessing little place with not a lot to recommend it save for a great little Mexican diner and the possibility of experiencing weird cold fogs that roll off the ocean in the middle of summer.

Just outside the town I stopped at a roadside shed that promised ‘Salt Water Taffy’ which is something I’d never heard of. Maybe taffy made with the age-old tradition of hand collected sea water, I thought, one of those quaint things that sounds bizarre but actually tastes quite nice, the recipe having been lovingly handed down over generations by laconic elderly candy-makers with laugh wrinkles and plenty of time for a cheeky wisecrack at a young whippersnapper like myself. I went inside and marvelled at the hundreds of different flavours, and, savouring the possibility of banter with the locals asked the girl at the counter why it was called ‘salt water’ taffy.

She looked at me like I’d said “Klatuu barada nicto”, chewed her gum once and said: “Because it’s made near the ocean.”

I bought a bag of the candy, went out and sat near the water and unwrapped what was essentially a chewy glob of sugar saturated with some incandescent alien ‘apple’ flavour. It was truly sick-making. Experimentally I threw one to the seagulls, wondering how many it would take to turn them into a hyperactive flock of murderous killers.

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