
A Headless Angel

Waverly Cemetery, Easter 2007

The Dawn of Ennui

The Sony PlayStation 3 was launched to scenes of mass apathy in Sydney last night, with the anticipated clamouring hordes of customers being outnumbered by press, security and salivating retailers.

Sony must have been disappointed, as would have been the stores, but where did the tragedy strike hardest? Let me quote a little from the Sydney Morning Herald coverage:

At midnight, about 40 PS3 buyers had arrived to collect their consoles, causing distress for the army of camera crews who turned up expecting to capture launch mayhem.

Distress? Awwww. Poor paparazzi poppets. I guess they stayed up well past their bedtimes and, dang, it was a fizzer!

I can only imagine the scenes of sobbing and consolation going on around water coolers in press offices all over Sydney this morning. I hope they’re getting proper counselling.


At the $999.00 that you’ll have to fork out for a PS3 in Australia, Sony will need to do a lot of convincing to compete with Xbox & Wii… Good luck chaps.


Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!

Oh shit, let me just catch my breath.

Hahahahaha! Hahahahaahahhaha!

Allow me to present you with two sentences from abovementioned ‘source’:

A conservative encyclopedia you can trust.

And in the entry on Evolution:

Creationists can cite material showing that there is no real fossil evidence for the macroevolutionary position and that the fossil record supports creationism.

Conservapedia’s front page trumpets:

You will much prefer using Conservapedia compared to Wikipedia if you want concise answers free of “political correctness”.

… to which I would add ‘… or any actual basis in reality’

I propose that the editors should re-think the name of their site and maybe retitle it as ‘Put-Your-Head-In-A-Bag-opedia’

Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahaahaahahaa! Oh look – a handy sandstone block! I think I’ll smash my head against it a few times.


Special Universal Head Advisory: Pete, don’t go there. It will ruin your day.


Alternative Butcher?

Luggage shop at Sydney airport.

Someone really got a bit too clever for their own boots. I suggest they try and make it appear intentional by adopting a slogan something like this: If your wife catches you using inferior luggage, you’re dead meat!


Thanks Pil!

Hey, I wonder if the police looked in there for the missing lamb shanks?


Love Potion #8

Valentine’s Day 1961. Morty Crepe makes final adjustments immediately prior to the launch of the ambitious, yet ultimately fatally miscalculated Love Potion #8.

He never showed his face in public again.

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