

I have fewer Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking at the door these days.

(I swear – I just snap the shots and this is the way they turn out).

Watercolour Prowler

Hey team: you can now go and see the final Prowler lovingly finished in glorious watercolour over at Bearskin Rug. Kevin has managed to render every last creepy detail perfectly. Say hi to him while you’re there (Kevin, that is, not the Prowler. Don’t talk to the Prowler. It will turn out badly).

I knew that Prowler was going to be trouble. Now that he’s back, he’s brought all his friends…

Click on the pix for bigger versions. If you dare.

Catman Howler

Punkinhead Prowler

Ripper Lurker

Another Prowler

Ever since Kevin Cornell posted his sketch of my childhood monster The Prowler a few days back, the image has been lurking in my head (again, after all this time…).

So, herewith a photo portrait of same, so you too can have it in your head.

The Prowler

One of my daily blog reads is illustrator Kevin Cornell’s wonderful Bearskin Rug*. In a recent post about childhood monsters, Kevin asked for readers’ memories of the things that went bump in the night and I mentioned my fear of the dreaded Prowler. Imagine my quivering horror to find that today’s Bearskin Rug features an uncannily accurate rendering of something I thought I had left far behind in the mists of the past.

Gee, thanks Kevin.


Can I open my eyes now…?

*You should be reading Bearskin Rug every day too – it’s not always as scary as this. Sometimes, but not always.

Last July, fellow blogger and faithful Cow Reader Radiocative Jam spotted what appeared to be God’s SUV whilst on his way to work. Yes folks, it seems that like mostly everyone else God is totally unconcerned about Global Warming and is happy to chew up the fossil fuels with reckless abandon.*

Anyway, the other day I am driving down Botany Road in Alexandria, Sydney, and I cruise up behind this black jeep at the lights. The license plate reads SATAN.

Now I am completely aware that not one single reader is going to believe me after my recent escapades with a certain feline minion of the Dark One, so at great risk to an elderly pedestrian nun, and physical risk to my own person (of a hernia), I retrieve my cell phone from my pocket with a view to snapping a crystal clear shot of the plate.

Too late – before I can say ‘Beelzebub’s Bollocks!”, the jeep is out of range and heading for Hades. I’ve got an iceberg’s chance in Hell of catching him. I realize that you’ll all be scoffing in disdain at the above shot, but it’s the best I could do. Moments later the jeep had disappeared in an oily black puff of diesel and brimstone.†

*Well, I guess in His case, he can argue that He made them, so he can bleedin’ well do what he likes with them…

†One of the tail lights was broken, but I wouldn’t want to be the cop that pulled him over…

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