Simple Graphics Man

The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~

#38: The Embossed Escapade.

Simple Graphics Man’s entire life is summed up in this embossed panel from an ‘Ancient Monument’ site in Wales. I don’t think a more accurate depiction of SGM’s existential angst is even possible.


Thanks to Pete for capturing this SGM caper whilst on his recent Welsh adventure!

And don’t forget that you can now get your awesome Simple Graphics Man coffee mug from the Tetherd Cow Ahead Gift Shoppe – be the envy of your friends whilst simultaneously avoiding scalding!


The thought that occurred to me in the middle of the last post was, Faithful Acowlytes, that perhaps I was being a little shortsighted in so perfunctorily dismissing Simple Graphics Man as an appropriate mentor for the ‘lesser’ risks of a busy life.

To that end, I’ve stirred the elves in the Tetherd Cow Ahead Gift Shoppe from their hundred year slumber and I am pleased to announce the launch of the Tetherd Cow Ahead Simple Graphics Man™ Collection!

In these modern times, it’s not always easy to keep your wits about you every single minute, so who better to alert you to the perils inherent in your favourite caffeinated beverage than good ol’ SGM? These unique drinking vessels, handcrafted from the finest alabaster and lovingly detailed by skilled Nubian artisans are only suited to the discerning few. ((i.e. anyone with money)) A large mug will set you back $14.50 Australian, and the standard size a very reasonable $13.50. ((A little less than those numbers if you’re paying US dollars)) You know you can’t do without one – so don’t wait until you scald yourself again before forking out! Think of it as insurance!

Remember – Christmas is not far off – shop now to avoid disappointment! And you will, of course, be keeping Simple Graphics Man gainfully employed.

What are you waiting for? Go to the gift shop and spend some money!

The Ladder of Liability

The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~

#37: The Ladder of Liability.

One has to think that calling in SGM to warn people about the dangers of using a ladder is starting to seem like hysteria. It’s a LADDER for chrissakes! Next we’ll have SGM cautioning us to be careful that we don’t get our toes jammed in the front door, or that our coffee might be hot! ((Hmmm. Actually, that gives me an idea…))

Really, it’s a complete waste of his talents and in this particular example you can tell that he’s just doing the gig for the money. Overacting much?


This one sent in by Atlas. Thanks!


The Mediocre Manifesto

The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~

#36: The Mediocre Manifesto.

Simple Graphics Man gets called on to tout Microsoft’s new corporate slogan.


Thanks again to Atlas for this latest SGM sighting.


The Superfluous Seatbelt

The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~

#35: The Superfluous Seatbelt.

In which buckling up fails to save SGM from getting a bullet through the head.


The second SGM sighting in a row from Joey, I believe!


The Troublesome Truck

The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~

#34: The Troublesome Truck.

In which SGM, out for an energizing cycle ride in the fresh morning air completely fails to notice something which is surely the equivalent of a mobile barn.


Big thanks to Joey for spotting SGM on his latest jaunt.


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