Cow Matters

Insincerity Gallery Window

Well, I know I said I’d bring you video pix of the launch party, but, well, to tell the truth the video stuff was just a bit dull. Lots of people milling about yakking and looking at the work – you know the kind of thing.

So here’s a still of the exterior of the gallery toward the later part of the night with the true stalwarts (or the freeloaders if you prefer) waiting to be booted out.

Still, fun was had, and the show has been extended for a further two weeks until November 27. If you’re in the vicinity, drop on by!

Gallery 3

Well Cow Fans, ‘Insincerity‘ has been hung and except for a few small technicalities (like, er, one of the pieces not actually being printed…) we’re all shipshape for the launch tomorrow night. The bad news is that the anticipated webcast won’t be possible. Not for want of trying on the part of my technical genius buddy and good friend hewhohears, who peeked and poked* his way into Telstra’s convoluted e-bowels but was eventually thwarted by their chronic constipation.†

So we’ll have to video the event and bring you the highlights at some later stage.

Anyway, here are some pix of the setup, I hope to see yez all tomorrow evening!

Gallery 1

*I salute anyone who understands what I am talking about here. Ave fellow geek of longstanding!

†I apologize if you are reading this metaphor at breakfast.


Yes, Wondercum!

I suppose you’re all wondering why I keep saying Wondercum? Well, this morning I noticed that my blog hits had spiked outta control yesterday so I did a little bit of stat investigation and whaddya know! I’ve been visited by by zillions* of people looking for Wondercum! I’m not slow! I immediately grokked that if I mention Wondercum a lot, I’m really going to bump up my hit count!†

So I want to give a big shout-out to all you visitors to The Cow looking to increase your sperm quantities to Flood Warning Levels. My personal recommendation is that you forget the Wondercum (it’s probably just as effective as green apples, but I’m wagering far less palatable) and stick around for a few laughs and some intellect expansion here at Tetherd Cow Ahead.

We’ll save you money and give you a much better chance with the chicks.


*Exaggeration. I feel that this is allowable in the realms of Sperm Spam World.

†I also realise that this means I’m implicitly riding on the coat tails of spammers. It’s about time I got something back from them.


Insincerity Thumb Don’t forget the ‘Insincerity‘ launch – October 31st!



OK, heads-up guys. Only about a week & a half to International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

For those of you who don’t know what that means, we provide for you as a public service, this training video.

Start practising.

Blog: Good condition, slight scuffing on under-edge, wobbly back leg. One owner. Original packaging & assembly instructions. Prefer cash sale in unmarked bills.

My blog is worth $13,548.96.
How much is your blog worth?

Eros Bit

You know, it’s quite remarkable. I make posts about science, art, philosophy and religion and get a smattering of comment and a trickle of visitors. But one picture of a scantily-clad girl sticking her fist up a cow’s bum and my visitor rate doubles and my comments spike.

And over at Perpetual Ocean my Eros ex Mathematica images account for nearly 45% of the site traffic and now have racked up over 3 million hits.

Let there be no doubt about the subject that still drives the internet.

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