Cow Matters

an·a·glyph: n:

A moving or still picture consisting of two slightly different perspectives of the same subject in contrasting colors that are superimposed on each other, producing a three-dimensional effect when viewed through two correspondingly colored filters.

Don’t look for anything deep in it. I just like the 3D version of Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Cow-o-philes all: I have had to activate Word Verification on TCA Comments owing to a huge overnight spamming of The Cow. I know this impinges somewhat on the spontaneity of the quick quip, but I ask your forbearance; mopping up the puerile drivel of the spammers this morning was, I think, the e-equivalent of hosing down the front porch after finding some drunken louts had pissed all over it during the night.

We now resume normal transmission.

An Honest-to-God sighting of The Cow, and via boingboing no less! [Link]

Originally here photographed by Alan Clifford.

Tasmania, Christmas 2004. A small Shakespearian moment among hundreds of acres of opium poppies. Disappointingly the tetherd cow was nowhere to be seen.

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