Cow Matters

Well, that was ridiculously simple.

The combination of Dreamhost and WordPress made it the work of minutes. It’s still pretty basic as you can see, and there is a bit of tidying up of internal links ands so forth, but that doesn’t seem like it should be too hard.

And I did it all in my coffee break.

I will sort out all my links stuff as soon as I have a moment. Anyone who subscribes to The Cow RSS feed will have to re-subscribe to the new site.


Folks, I’m really sorry, but Blogger continues to be stuffed. It all seemed to be working this morning and now I’ve noticed the Comments page isn’t loading again and I’m having further formatting problems.

Blogger technical people are being spectacularly unhelpful. There is no information forthcoming about what the problems are, the magnitude of them, or when, or even if they are likely to be fixed. Blogger Status information continues to be completely useless (they haven’t even changed the message in two days).

This is immensely frustrating as you can imagine. Because of the bizarre and intermittent nature of the problems, I can’t even tell if things are working from one moment to the next.

I’m also extremely busy at the moment and I don’t have time to execute my preferred option, which is to migrate The Cow across to some other platform.

As a result I’m going to put the blog on ice for a week or so, so you won’t see any posts.

I simply cannot convey the measure of my extreme annoyance at this poor service from Google/Blogger. I can only reiterate what I said before: Google is cruising for a fall. If they can’t reliably look after something like Blogger, why would you ever trust them with anything valuable. You have been warned.

Adios for a while.

The Reverend.

So now, I’ve lost all my sidebars and some other utility from my xml template for The Cow. Even though Blogger says the filer is fixed. On checking the Status Page, I got the above, very reassuring page load.

[pulls hair out]

Then I tried to upload this post and got:

Yeah, this looks fixed to me.

I’ve been meaning to write something about the eerie phenomenon of Alien Cattle Abduction for some time (because you know this will be a subject of continued concern here at The Cow), and now Radioactive Jam has stumbled across some breaking news in Canada. Visit this site and find out all about the unsettling facts that governments are hiding from us!

Thanks RaJ, and thanks Canadian Milk Board for doing something funny with advertising for a change.

The Cow is one year old today! Who’da thought I’d ever have enough things to say to keep it going this long? Yeah yeah, hands down at the back. I never said important things to say. If I had important things to say I’d be working on my Pulitzer.

Well, it appears to be de rigeur on media anniversaries to revisit the year that has past, so I thought I’d put up some of my favourite posts for nostalgia’s sake. There’s no rhyme nor reason among them, just a selection of things that took my fancy. Sometimes it’s more for the commentary by you guys than the post itself. So I thank you for your wit, your wisdom (although lord knows there’s precious little of that) and especially for making me laugh.


♥Bored Housewives: in which a small tragedy is revealed.

♥Schrodinger’s Curry: in which quantum physics does something mysterious and inscrutable. As usual.

♥Half a Bladder: in which a curious phone message is received.

♥That Which We Call a Rose…: in which Little Noodle sums it all up in one line, and Joey Polanski made me laugh more than I can say.

♥Invisible Ink: in which I amuse myself and confuse everyone else.

♥Flying Pig Shit: in which Internet wisdom is examined and found wanting (surprise!).

♥Physical Attraction: in which we take a look at Schrodinger’s Pussy.

♥River Deep Mountain High: in which vodka and rancid yoghurt drinks are discussed.

♥The Metropolis: in which a few people are taken in by my jolly jape.

♥This Is Not a Hoax: in which the commentary actually had real-life consequences ( Pil & William, I promise you’ll love every moment…)

♥Call Me Reverend: in which I fulfill a life-long ambition.

Well, I won’t go any more recent than that. I’m sure you either remember back to at least November, or if you don’t, have good reasons for wanting to forget.

Onward into 2006!

Thanks in absentia to Imaginative Icing from whom I stole the image.

All this has been rendered superfluous by my special Christmas Shotgun.

Rudolph ain’t never gonna join in any more reindeer games.

A very Merry Yuletide to all readers of The Cow. I know that most of you are only getting lumps of coal from Santa this year, but hey, I always thought a few measly presents under a tree was short payment on an entire year of being nice anyway.

I suspect that none of you are going to be any less naughty in 2006.

But of course, you know by now that I’d much rather have it that way. Thank you all for you wit, wisdom, humour and friendship over this last year. You have made my blog a great enjoyment to me and I hope it has given you half the entertainment and food-for-thought it has given me.

Now, off to bed with you all, and have visions of sugarplums or else.

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