Fri 11 Feb 2011
Blow Gabriel, Blow
Posted by anaglyph under Daft Advertising, Hmmm..., Religion, Words
[33] Comments
Do you ever look at things and think… hmmm… I wonder how that came to be? Take this roll of toilet paper (or ‘bathroom tissue’ as the Americans call it, because they can’t bring themselves to say that word. You know. TOILET. This is in keeping with the more comprehensive American belief that if you don’t acknowledge an ‘icky’ thing exists – like, oh, Palestine, say, or sex, or atheists – everything is SO much nicer). ((I exclude from this assessment, of course, Americans who are reading Tetherd Cow Ahead. Or who can read, generally.)) ((Whenever I hear an American say ‘I’m going to the bathroom’ I have to strongly fight the urge to say ‘Really? Again? You must be so clean – you just had a bath a couple of hours ago!’))
Anyway, back to this roll of toilet stuff with which you wipe your ass after you’ve had a shit.
Why is it named in the way it is? Are angels particularly known for their softness? It’s not an attribute that immediately springs into my mind when I imagine an angel. Take this angel, for example. It is the Archangel Michael:
Does this picture say ‘softness’ to you? That spear looks sharp to me. Not the kind of thing I want near my tender parts (I will observe that he has funky shoes though).
Here is another picture of a some angels:
These ones have swords. Would you let angels like this go swinging their sabres around in the vicinity of your nether regions? I wouldn’t. And here’s another picture of the Angel Michael. Can you see what he’s doing with that pointy spear?
Yes! That’s right! He’s aiming to stick it right up Lucifer’s bottom! Is that a caring, comfortable, soft image, my friends? I think not!
So how is it, do you think, that advertising people arrived at the brilliant idea of calling toilet paper ‘Angel Soft’, when it’s apparent to anyone with a modicum of religious art experience that angels are anything but soft? How can they get away with such a blatant untruth? Well, as usual, the ad people have included an escape clause in their work. Did you spot it?
There it is! Those rascally advertising types! They’ve registered the term ‘PS’ and tacked it onto their brand name! Genius!
So, their product can now be called ‘Angel Soft (PS®)’, where the PS obviously signifies:
PS: If it feels like someone’s sticking a sword up your ass, then it’s not our fault. You should have paid more attention in Sunday School.
We call it toilet paper over on this side of the USA. ‘Bathroom Tissue’ is a west-coast invention, I think. If they throw it on the trees, we call it getting toilet papered.
Angel Soft features babies as its marketing thing. Maybe they thought ‘Putto, Angel, whatever.’
Sure, OK… but I don’t automatically associate cherub-like babies with being soft on my ass either.
I can equate little duckies with softness, and kittens and rabbits… but angels is a stretch.
Just saying.
Those kitten claws can shred your date, though.
I de-claw them first.
Oh, and like I said – you automatically get excluded from being among the hoi-polloi ‘cos you’re part of the Cownoscenti.
Angels are good for something after all!
They don’t even shit in Heaven.
Uh, all me and my American Friends call it toilet paper, I don’t know anyone that call it toilet tissue, except maybe the ultra proper uppity people do.
Well, in California at least it is always called ‘bathroom tissue’ in the supermarket aisles.
Heh. He read the first paragraph.
Baby steps ….
How about a compromise on the name.
How’s “Rectal Tissue” sound?
How’s about ‘Euphemistic Paper’?
Necessary Napkins
Private Papers
Fecal Wipes? Hmm. Maybe not.
When we were babies, rectal cleansing was the job of our mums
Now-a-days, celestial beings come to smarten up our bums.
Micha-el, Gabri-el, and Rapha-el are all mentioned in the Bible.
I wonder why Cotton-el was left out.
I wish someone would pay us all money for this schtick. We’re totally worth at least enough to afford soup and a roll.
Yes, but:
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours in the kingdom of God.”
I think that’s supposed to be ‘the meek’.
Or the cheesemakers. Or something.
Oooohhh, the meeeeek! That’s wonderful! They’ve had a helluva time…
I think you may be missing the point here slightly Rev. Georgia Pacific manufacture this product in Mexico (Georgia Pacific Tissue De Mexico), where as you know they speak Spanish. Since the ‘g’ is largely pronounced as a near silent ‘h’ in this context, the name makes perfect sense… “An(h)el Soft”
To translate into the local vernacular here: ‘Arse Soft’.
I wish you’d do your research before jumping to these silly conclusions!
The King
PS: King Willy is a hackass.
When was it that you planned to come and stay with us again Analyp?
Hune or Huly.
My fingers will be smokin’ and we can try that new emotion chip you sent me!
If I had emotions I’d be afraid!
The King