Sun 17 Aug 2008
Bailing with a Sieve
Posted by anaglyph under CowBlogTech, Idiots, Stupidity, Technology, Web Politics
[12] Comments
Once again, the n00bs in the Australian Government’s technology departments (this time the Australian Communications and Media Authority) demonstrate their complete lack of acumen when it comes to the way the internet functions. This from Ars Technica:
Websites originating in Australia will soon be subject to a rating system that will tell users whether the content is appropriate for children of different ages.
Oh right. And exactly how is that going to work ACMA? What determines a website that ‘originates in Australia’? Tetherd Cow is written by an Australian, in an Australian city, on a computer connected to an Australian ISP. But, like HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of other websites, the physical bits of TCA reside in a storage system in another country.
Please don’t embarrass us in the eyes of the world you stupid oafs. The internet is not, and will never be, confined to geographical borders. Let me ask you a question – if you think this scheme has even the remotest plausibility, why can’t you stop Russian spammers from filling up my Inbox?
And who cares about children anyway, I like em well enough, but still can’t eat a whole one.
The King
Hey you Aussies are good swimmers, you would win everthing if not for Aquaman Michael Phelps.
You’re Australian? Why didn’t you tell me?
Malach: I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
Atlas: I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
And jus how do they know if a child is of diffrent ages?
Im not sure what Im talkin about.
Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, then?
Dear Rev
i’m sorry all your acowlytes are insane.
BTW, this blog should be a Letter to the Editor in The Age and the SMH.
Hey Rev Willy here, still can’t post on the site – it’s like I’m shooting partial blanks when I should be shooting Catholics
The King
No doubt they will eventually realize this and attempt to cut off all network access between Australia and the rest of the world …
you tell ’em reverend
You are hurting me in heart when speak of mother russia mother. I still lonely am. But soon no longer 29. So lonely.
Joey: Good point. Children of different ages to what?
Atlas: They never said nuthin’ about children of different colours…
Pil: I’ll send The Age & the SMH an RSS feed. Saves hassle.
King Willy: Well, there’s something of an irony in the fact that Akismet thinks you’re a spammer. You can blame the Russians for that too. It should be fixed now, but there is still the possibility that it will flag you as spam. You just have to tell me if your comment doesn’t appear immediately.
Yoo: I wouldn’t put it past ’em.
Nurse Myra: I will!
Olga: You should go find a Russian spammer to help fill up your Inbox.