The Cow is one year old today! Who’da thought I’d ever have enough things to say to keep it going this long? Yeah yeah, hands down at the back. I never said important things to say. If I had important things to say I’d be working on my Pulitzer.

Well, it appears to be de rigeur on media anniversaries to revisit the year that has past, so I thought I’d put up some of my favourite posts for nostalgia’s sake. There’s no rhyme nor reason among them, just a selection of things that took my fancy. Sometimes it’s more for the commentary by you guys than the post itself. So I thank you for your wit, your wisdom (although lord knows there’s precious little of that) and especially for making me laugh.


♥Bored Housewives: in which a small tragedy is revealed.

♥Schrodinger’s Curry: in which quantum physics does something mysterious and inscrutable. As usual.

♥Half a Bladder: in which a curious phone message is received.

♥That Which We Call a Rose…: in which Little Noodle sums it all up in one line, and Joey Polanski made me laugh more than I can say.

♥Invisible Ink: in which I amuse myself and confuse everyone else.

♥Flying Pig Shit: in which Internet wisdom is examined and found wanting (surprise!).

♥Physical Attraction: in which we take a look at Schrodinger’s Pussy.

♥River Deep Mountain High: in which vodka and rancid yoghurt drinks are discussed.

♥The Metropolis: in which a few people are taken in by my jolly jape.

♥This Is Not a Hoax: in which the commentary actually had real-life consequences ( Pil & William, I promise you’ll love every moment…)

♥Call Me Reverend: in which I fulfill a life-long ambition.

Well, I won’t go any more recent than that. I’m sure you either remember back to at least November, or if you don’t, have good reasons for wanting to forget.

Onward into 2006!

Thanks in absentia to Imaginative Icing from whom I stole the image.