Chocolate Crucifix

Once upon a time a very long time ago, there was a man who may or may not have been real, but who stood for good things and went through some hard times.

Over many years, the legend of this man has grown and grown until today when many millions of people are unable (or unwilling) to think rationally about what this man’s real place in history might have been, and if his philosophies and actions do indeed have any relevance to today’s world.

Much has been written about this man and indeed, many major motion pictures have been made about his story, some of them quite controversial indeed.

This weekend many people stop to reflect on the life of this man and his loyal followers, fugitives all, who fled the law of the day and lived in great risk in order to bring light into the lives of common people.

Yes, I am of course talking about Robin Hood.

Well, the chocolate bunnies and eggs WOULD MAKE A LOT MORE SENSE IF I WAS!

Now c’mon you Christians, explain the bunnies & eggs. Without recourse to pagan fertility symbolism. I dare you.

Out of curiosity I did a Google search for “chocolate crucifix” as research for this post, and found that, well, there just aren’t that many options. It seems that while Christians are quite willing to accept chocolate pagan symbols into their festival, Jesus and the crucifixion don’t make the grade. This seems extremely peculiar, given the level of other Christian tack available out there…