Wed 7 Oct 2009
Cross My Heart
Posted by anaglyph under Movies, Religion, The Baffling Bible, True Fiction
[11] Comments
Discovered by Viridian and Vermilion in the local Blockbuster, to their mirth.
(I wonder if Bale got the part by telling the producers that he was a good Christian?)
Heh heh…
Thanks for the comment. Yes, I believe everyone I know who has an iPhone (a lot of people) is an iPhone nerd.
I’d like to be there when they discover the DVD of “johnny Skidmarks’
The King (lost my link)
You know, now that you point it out, I’m pretty sure the dudes who wrote and edited the New Testament left out the bits about him fighting with his family. I think that’s why his younger years are a blank to us. Hmmmm.
NurseMyra: Are you seeing him through different eyes yet?
Soph: The iPhone is bigger than Jesus.
King Willy: You’re becoming more like Malach every day.
Buzzardbilly: His younger years are a blank to him too – booze and drugs will do that to you.
Are V. and V. into vampires as much as teen girls in the USA are? If so, may I suggest this.
Oh yeah. Now dat’s da truth!
Who’s becoming more like Malach now…
The King
Keep up King Willy!
So the question is did they, being good samaritans, move it to the fiction section?
Sadly, RebTurtle, I doubt anyone in our local Blockbuster knows the difference between Truth and Fiction.