Spam Observations #21

Nicholas Malone wrote to me today with some cheery Christmas News. I’m touched that Nicholas took some minutes off on his holiday break to think of me. I completely forgot to send him anything.

Subject: ModernBill
Date: 27 December 2005 11:56:50 PM

-Sensattional revolution in meedicine!

-E-nlarge your p-enis up to 10 cm or up to 4 inches!

-It’s herbal solution what hasn’t side effect, but has 100% guaranteed results!

-Don’t loose your chance and but know wihtout doubts, you will be impressed with results!

Did you spot it?: “what hasn’t side effect“…

Well, he’s lying isn’t he? One obvious side effect is that it completely fucks up your spelling, your typing and your grammar. He quite evidently plays loose and fast with the truth (let alone with the chances).

So despite the Christmassy fact that his name is Nicholas it’s gonna be a cold day in Hell before I let him anywhere near my p-enis.*

*Not that I’m suggesting in any way that I’d be letting Santa play with my p-enis, you understand. Unless he was a she and he looked, oh, something like this.