Tue 1 Jun 2010
A Convenient Kind of Science
Posted by anaglyph under Atheism, In The News, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Skeptical Thinking, WooWoo
[27] Comments

Sometimes the minds of really bright people can think really dumb thoughts.
Francisco J. Ayala is an evolutionary biologist of quite some expertise, a critic of creationism and intelligent design, and an active petitioner for the advancement of stem cell research in the US and throughout the world. And yet, as he reveals in his post on the Guardian blog this week, ‘Religion has nothing to do with science – and vice versa’ his accomplishments as a scientist don’t stop him from having bewildering thought processes.
The basic thrust of his piece is that science has no business occupying itself with the domain supposedly reserved for religion (and vice versa, but as we shall see in a bit, that’s nothing more than a sop to the unthinking). That is, science should butt out of matters of good and evil, right and wrong, purpose or none. It takes him about three paragraphs to reveal that he’s playing with a marked deck.
The scope of science is the world of nature: the reality that is observed, directly or indirectly, by our senses. Science advances explanations about the natural world, explanations that are accepted or rejected by observation and experiment.
Outside the world of nature, however, science has no authority, no statements to make, no business whatsoever taking one position or another. Science has nothing decisive to say about values, whether economic, aesthetic or moral; nothing to say about the meaning of life or its purpose.
Did you see the card go up his sleeve? He has simultaneously put religion outside our natural world and forbidden science from that domain. In other words, science can’t know the Mind of God, because.
It’s such a breathtaking piece of religious bias that I almost stopped reading right there.
What he’s advancing is in fact the very foundation of the concept of religion: give up (for reasons that cannot be expressed in any rational manner) everything you know and can demonstrate to be true, in preference to concepts that you (or other people, usually) suppose might be. That’s called ‘Faith’ and it goes by another name too: ‘Magic’. Ayala simply cannot make a claim like that and retain any level of credibility. If you allow that as a piece of valid reasoning, you allow ANYTHING to be possible. And I’m willing to wager a large amount of cash that Ayala doesn’t believe that huge numbers of Americans are being abducted by aliens, or that Xenu is going to come to Earth and smite us all, or that a little green man lives in the peyote plant or any number of other equally preposterous ideas. Yet, by his argument he has no choice but to believe them all because they are ALL outside his allowance for the realm of science!
The above quote also carries with it the implicit endorsement that religion does have something decisive to say about economic, aesthetic or moral values, and about the meaning of life and its purpose. That’s plainly hogwash. Which religion? Says what? For every one thing that a religion says, a contradiction can be found in another. Religions can’t even make up their minds internally about what they think about many things. Religions say stuff about all these things that’s for sure, but whether what they say is valuable, or ‘decisive’, or even worth paying attention to, is a highly questionable conjecture.
Further on he takes the words of Richard Dawkins and bends them to his already-decided will:
The biologist Richard Dawkins explicitly denies design, purpose and values.
In River out of Eden, he writes:
“The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”
Dammit – did you see that? He palmed another ace!
Firstly, Dawkins is talking here about the mechanics of the Universe, as Ayala must surely understand. Dawkins does not say that we should expect to find no purpose or evil or good or blind pitiless indifference in humans. Dawkins is saying that there is no reason to suppose that those things are inherent in the Universe, and that this is in fact exactly what we see. ((Why isn’t Ayala arguing that point? Because as an evolutionary biologist, he knows he can’t win. ‘God’ – at least no kind of God that cares a hoot about us – is not apparent in the natural workings of the Universe.)) Ayala’s argument is based on a religious misrepresentation of scientific thinking, and, as a scientist, he should jolly-well know better.
Let’s see if Ayala is dealing anything else from the bottom of the deck. He goes on to conjure the spirit of William Provine, noted evolutionist and atheist:
William Provine, a historian of science, asserts that there are no absolute principles of any sort. He believes modern science directly implies that there are no inherent moral or ethical laws, no absolute guiding principles for human society.
There is a monumental contradiction in these assertions. If its commitment to naturalism does not allow science to derive values, meaning or purposes from scientific knowledge, it surely does not allow it, either, to deny their existence.
Zip! Now that’s a hand that’d get you shot in a saloon game of poker!
Let’s just clarify things a little. Ayala is making an explicit statement here that there are two kinds of worlds in which we live: the natural world (which is defined by science) and the supernatural ((I’m using the word in its most literal sense here: ‘of, pertaining to, or being above or beyond what is natural’)) world which is out of the reach of science. Because science can make observations about the natural world such that there appears to be no inherent meaning, morality or purpose, it has, therefore, no right to deny the existence of such things.
What total corn syrup! Science has every right in the world to put up a case for the non-existence of these things! Let me re-write that sentence slightly to make it clear why it’s so incongruous:
‘Because science can make observations about the natural world such that there appear to be no inherent reasons to believe in pixies or unicorns or fairies, it has, therefore, no right to deny the existence of such things.’
This idea of putting such abstract concepts as ‘meaning’, ‘purpose’ or ‘morality’ outside of nature is just religious sleight of hand. Who says that should be so, and by what criteria? Ayala begins by drawing up rules that suit his argument and then criticizes science for not playing by them!
It’s a bit of a straw man, in any case. He’s attempting to distract us from a much more pertinent point: the fact that science finds no ‘natural’ morality does not imply that a social morality is not possible (it clearly is) and most importantly, it certainly does not automatically stamp an imprimatur on religion to take that role. In fact, I would argue that a great deal of our current social morality is held in place not by religion, but by the social constructs we’ve developed under cultures that hold largely scientific world-views. We don’t, for example, find mobs of atheists going around behaving amorally (as much as I’m sure a lot of religious people think that is what happens), primarily because people like me who don’t hold with religion can actually maintain good moral lives without it, believe it or not.
Religious thinkers just love to believe that it is religion that holds our morality in check and stops the world from spinning into unmitigated and wanton chaos, but if they buy into that notion they must necessarily buy into a paradoxical uber-belief: it doesn’t matter what kind of religious belief you hold, as long as it’s a religious belief. ((Or, perhaps more accurately: ‘It doesn’t matter what kind of religious belief you hold, as long as it’s MY religious belief’.)) This is plainly a ridiculous and indefensible stance. For a start, there are plenty of religions that adhere to questionable morals. ((The majority of them, I would contest.))
I’ve attacked the versa part of Ayala’s essay first because I think by doing so it casts illumination on another piece of his prestidigitation. Let’s look at the ‘Religion has nothing to do with science’ part. Here, Ayala invokes Augustine, the emperor who rearranged Christian religion because it didn’t really suit his taste:
As he [Augustine] writes in his commentary on Genesis:
“If it happens that the authority of sacred Scripture is set in opposition to clear and certain reasoning, this must mean that the person who interprets Scripture does not understand it correctly.”
Is anyone else rolling on the floor laughing?
Again, let me clarify: If anything that makes sense appears to be in conflict with the Scripture, then that’s because the Scripture isn’t being properly interpreted. It can’t possibly be that the Scripture is nonsense! ((There are so many things wrong with this reasoning that I can’t begin to enumerate them all. The Bible, for example, makes explicit statements about the natural world. By Augustine’s reasoning, if any of these statements are thrown up against convincing scientific refutation, then there must be some interpretive error – it’s NOT an error of Scripture. What an astonishing ‘get-out-of-jail-free-card’ that is! In this way, the Bible can be eternally revised to fit with the way the natural world is shown indisputably to be and always remain correct! How can the rigorous process of science even begin to compete with such absurdity?))
It baffles me that a smart person can even indulge in such poppycock. From the start, it makes a ridiculous presupposition that the Scripture, like Ayala’s conditions for religion itself, lies outside nature – particularly outside human nature. How can a person with scientific training possibly believe that?
Ayala now throws a bone to the wolves in allowing that religion has nothing definitive ((Anyone else notice that card go to the bottom of the deck? ‘Definitive’ is a slippery term, especially in the light of Ayala’s other slipperiness. ‘Definitive’ allows that religion can have all kinds of things to say about the realm of science if it likes – just not ‘definitive’ things.)) to say about the ‘precincts of science’:
Religion has nothing definitive to say about these natural processes: nothing about the causes of tsunamis or earthquakes or why volcanic eruptions occur, or why there are droughts that ruin farmers’ crops. The explanation of these processes belongs to science. It is a categorical mistake to seek their explanation in religious beliefs or sacred texts.
It’s a banal dismissal of superstitious thinking of the gross kind. Of course we know that God can’t be blamed for earthquakes and eclipses and droughts and plagues of locusts. The only people who believe that kind of thing are the same ones who believe that God sits outside the realm of nature and can accomplish miracles!
No matter how he might frame his argument, Ayala does not care about balance. He is concerned only with propaganda. Like all religious people he is scared that the truth is frightening and ugly and something he doesn’t want to hear, and that if science turns its sights on ‘matters of Scripture’ it might reveal, not that the Scripture is being interpreted incorrectly, but, as it has done time and time again, that the Scripture is wrong.
Ayala is only paying lip service to science, and to justify his already formed beliefs (Ayala is a former Dominican Priest) he seems compelled to attempt to somehow shoehorn science into the religious framework of a worldview that was formed half a millennium ago. His version of science is, for an evolutionary biologist, a puzzlingly simplistic mechanical one. It’s a science that doesn’t ask hard questions. It’s a science that obligingly looks the other way when religion walks into the room. It’s a convenient kind of science.
As we all know, though, science doesn’t care about convenience. Science doesn’t care how we think the world should be, or how we wish it was. It just shows us how it is. The way I see it is that we have two choices – we either side with science, look bravely on the Universe and be awed and humbled by our ignorance, or we cower behind our fingers with religion and make pretend everything will be OK. Either way, the world itself does not change.
As you have explained, it is quite torturous listening to these kinds of arguments. For the good Dr Ayala it must be difficult (because of course it’s impossible) attempting to live with these ludicrous contradictions inside his skull.You’d think he’d see enough magic all around him in biology for example, but no!
What a ridiculous get out of jail free card the ‘Religion has nothing definitive to say about these natural processes’ is. Doesn’t he realise though that by absolving God from ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY CONNECTED WITH THIS WORLD that he is in fact rendering his deity worthless…
Oh I could go on but I won’t, France beckons the royal party and departure is imminent. Perhaps God will try to take the plane down with us aboard – oh hang on, it’s nothing to do with him is it! Guess we’ll rely on science to get us through – once again.
The King
ps Still here!
I am perplexed that religious people who call themselves scientists seem to be able to apply their critical thinking skills to everything except the great absurdity that they have chosen to impose on the entire scope of their lives. In Ayala’s case, I suppose he was so thoroughly indoctrinated by the Dominicans that the leap from a world propped up by faith to a world defined by truth is just too hard to make.
The (recently late) great Martin Gardner was another such paradoxical human being. He could bring his razor sharp critical mind to bear on everything except religion, which he admitted was in itself an irrational act. WTF? How do you hold those contradictions in your head?
“Cognitive dissonance” and “bounded rationality” cause people to make arguments like this – to blank out or gloss over or find loopholes such that they don’t have to think about the dissonance.
The most common example is that otherwise intelligent smokers will smoke even though they know it will kill them and bring misery and grief to their families and loved ones: listening to their reasoning if called to defend this, is as crazy as listening to the above hoop-jumping.
There are all sorts of ways this kind of doublethink can happen. Even when proven wrong, true believer syndrome kicks in, and they carry on believing.
In his case, there’s probably a bit of attribute substitution: instead of deciding “does this bit of religion contradict science/common sense?”, he asks the much easier (for him) question “is this something I don’t feel science should have a say in?”
I’ve seen this particular fallacy a lot in religious scientists, who compartmentalise the two conflicting areas of their life, but I don’t think it’s got a name. Even (ex)Christians just call it “cognitive dissonance”.
I neglected to mention in my post that Francisco Ayala was the most recent winner of the Templeton Prize. The Templeton is awarded each year to an individual who in the minds of the judges has made an ‘exceptional contribution to affirming life’s spiritual dimension’. Because the Templeton’s benefactor, Sir John Templeton, believed that science could be rationalized with religious beliefs, the prize is sometimes awarded to scientists.
The Templeton is often described in the media as ‘a prize for religious thinking’ which is an oxymoron if ever I heard one.
I thought that.
I thought only stupid people were religious. But then I met so many very smart religious people, including many of my own relatives, I had to drop that idea: too much dissonance, demonstrably false.
So I thought smart people turn off their brains for religion: they didn’t question the religions they had as they grew up. I still feel this answers some cases. But I read so many very smart, openminded, skeptical religious writings and papers, and had so many deep and interesting conversations with religious people, I had to accept it cannot be the only answer.
So I thought maybe it was just agnosticism. Maybe what they *really* mean is “we can’t tell”… but no. They are strong in their beliefs. They accept, as I do with my atheism, that they could potentially be proven wrong…but they think it exceedingly unlikely.
So, smart people employing rational thought can come to believe that supernatural things are a near-certainty. WHY?
Turns out, for many of them, it’s because it’s the most rational conclusion based on available evidence: the one that causes the least cognitive dissonance.
For CS Lewis, it was morality. He couldn’t find any cause for morality, other than divine providence. For others (via intelligent design) it’s been the eye, or exploding beetles. But I think these cases are the minority.
Because it turns out that most (though my sample size is small) people have “seen things”. Things which appeared real, and yet they knew had no existence in the physical world, for which they could have only two rational explanations.
The first is that the thing is not real, and they are delusional. This is a really hard thing for anyone to conclude, especially if they are otherwise extremely bright and logical and introspective, and don’t feel ill or out of sorts. We learn as soon as we learn to talk that our senses are the *only* thing we can trust. As we play with illusions and drugs, we learn that even that’s not true: but most of us never internalise that knowledge on an emotional level. One friend, who has experimented with various drugs, tells me she understood they were definitely false, because of experience with things like acid. But obviously, most people lack this comparison.
So instead, some put it down to a conspiracy: drugs put in food by the government, alien mind rays or something.
But most aren’t willing to join the conspiracy theorists, but lack any rational way to deny the reality of the things their senses are feeding them. They tell me things like “this was, if anything, the most real thing I have ever experienced: I would sooner doubt the existence of the table in front of me, than the existence of the demon I saw. It wasn’t just sight: it had a presence. Unutterably, infinitely evil.”
The only rational explanation available is the supernatural one. If they come from a family with a history of being “sensitive”, then when they ask about it, they will be told they have “the sight”, and are special. So they grow up thinking it normal, natural… and spiritual. And here’s the thing: every religious family has its “sensitives”.
So how can you try to tackle that with science? They are seeing something they know for sure can’t be measured by science, because they already know for sure it has no physical presence in this world, and that other people definitely won’t see it. So no scientific argument can affect their belief in that daemon of the mind.
It seems widespread, and it’s a problem. Apparitions tend to come when people are stressed. And sometimes the stressed people looking for answers are presidents, and sometimes the “angels of the lord” tell them to attack other countries.
See my reply below (it’s getting a bit squishy in this embedded wndow…)
In the words of Mr Spock: “It is not logical.” To which someone replied, “Who said humans were logical?”
I’m with Spock.
The King
I don’t even require ‘logical’. I’d settle for merely ‘sensible’.
Looks like youre preachin to th choir, Revrend.
Ah yeah, Joey, I know it. But faced between fuming to myself, leaving Comment #823 on the Guardian blog and inflicting it on you guys, well, you got the short straw.
Okay, theres yer confession. Now howsabout a good ackt o contrition?
‘Someone’s’ singing out of tune.
Being blinded by science is as bad as being blinded by religion, even science takes a little “faith” in some aspects of it
OK Malach, hear me: NO IT DOESN’T. Science does NOT RELY ON FAITH. It’s the view of the badly educated religious to keep on pushing that line because they don’t take the trouble to understand how science works.
Additionally, science does not blind anyone. If you so choose, you can replicate the experiments of any scientist on the planet. All you need is education. This is manifestly NOT TRUE with religion because religion is handed down by God. I can’t possibly know if the Pope is telling the truth because, no matter how hard I study or how long I wait, God will not give me the dispensation that the Catholic Church has given the Pope.
I challenge you: name me ONE thing that science asks you take as a matter of faith!
Of course science blinds folks, Revrend!
Whens th last time you saw a scientist daring to look at the world with his head up his ass?
I guess if you’re always in the dark you don’t know one way or the other.
Personally, I take it on faith that there are no areas of science (say, palaeoanthropology, or meteorology) that, if I were to look into them, would brainwash me into agreeing with a global conspiracy which pushes, say, global warming or evolution even though we who have studied the subjects know it’s not true.
And I take it on faith that the science I learnt in school is at least fairly close to a simplified approximation of the truth as for forefront of science knew it at the time, rather than some completely unrelated fiction the government thought it fit to teach kids.
I find religion to be a mental illness. I was raised Christian, and it wasn’t atheists that brought me to my senses, it was weirdo xtians. The capacity for self-deception was shocking and raised a serious red flag.
So I sat down and started researching, spent most of the night on it, and by dawn I was pretty angry. They weren’t just deceiving themselves, they were lying to me.
So rather than go on about that, I’ll share the most amazing passage I’ve ever read about debating evolution with someone who is willfully ignorant. This was originally posted on Fark by Lizard_SF:
“Let me try this another way. Suppose, in the interest of debating Christianity, I said to you, “How is it that of God’s five sons, which he bore upon five different mothers at different times in history (See Aristotle 5:6-16), it was only Jesus who actually went into hell and fought Satan hand-to-hand (Cohen 14:2-45), while the others just sat around? Also, when Thor and Hercules meet Moses in the desert (Second Exodus, 17:1-12), why does the Bible have Thor wielding a sword, instead of his famous hammer?”
“You’d look at me slack-jawed for a second or two, then tell me that I clearly haven’t read the Bible, know nothing about Christianity, and you can’t answer these questions because they’re nonsensical — it’s like asking “If 2 and 2 makes oranges, how can you say pi=51?” The question shows such a fundamental level of ignorance that the only way to “answer” it is to go back to ground zero and start over, and, by the time you’ve learned enough to ask a sensible question, you’d know why your first question was nonsense.
“Based on your posts here, that’s the state you’re at with your “knowledge” of evolution. You’re speaking nonsense. Your questions can only be “answered” by starting you over in first grade and teaching you science. There are certainly many intelligent and interesting questions to be asked about evolution — this is why scientists keep filling up journals with new studies, new discoveries, etc — they ask the question and then they seek out the answers. You, however, do not yet possess enough knowledge to ask those questions. This doesn’t mean you’re stupid, just ill-informed. The main question for you, then, is are you willing to invest the time to learn what you need to learn to ask the right questions, or do you prefer ignorance? Your call.”
The problem with claiming that religion is a mental illness is that it means that most humans have it and we don’t. That’s a bit like saying that everyone is out of step with the band except you and I.
I think the Fark correspondent is right – it’s not so much about madness as it is about ignorance. I was raised in a religious family and I believed in God and all the things I was taught in Church. But as I gained knowledge of the world I was able to understand that religion was a particularly poor method for navigating the world. It is to the great credit of my family that I was never coerced into being religious, as many people are. But the salient thing is that I wasn’t ‘mentally ill’ and then ‘got better’. I just got more information and was able to act on it.
That is the only reason it’s worth arguing about these matters with religiously inclined people. If there was no chance that they could shake off their ‘madness’ what would be the point in rational discourse?
To clarify, not a Fark correspondent, just a commenter on the site. A reader who posts comments, but one who posted something I really, really appreciated.
Understood. I usually file that under the umbrella term of ‘correspondent’.
Just wanted to clarify that this individual doesn’t work for Fark, nor should (s)he be taken to represent their views blah de blah legalese. :)