OK, so I was prepared to get off the soapbox with this, but the Fairfax newspapers’ seriously relentless stance on this is just too galling. The above image ran in the Sydney Morning Herald today as the masthead for this article.

The front page used another more evocative phrase:

You read the story and judge whether it’s about Apple, or about something else entirely. In my opinion, it fairly reeks of ulterior motive. Stilgherrian, Currawong, call me overly sensitive if you will, but tell me this is all about sales-worthy copy! There is serious malice here. You don’t keep on running these kinds of stories unless you have an agenda. Apple is a cult because they make something that people like? How is that? A statement like ‘Apple is not my friend: Why you shouldn’t trust a ‘cult” is so coloured with judgemental negative pronouncement that it is barely two quotation marks away from slander. It is plainly nothing more than mud-slinging.

I apologize for running another of these posts dear Acowlytes, but I’m filing evidence here. I will state it in no uncertain terms – the Fairfax media is willfully laying the boot into Apple.


Thanks to Universal Head for the heads up.
