At great risk to my personal safety ((You see how committed I am to The Cow, dear Acowlytes. That’s surely worth a penny in the plate – or even a t-shirt purchase!)) I snapped the above shot on the freeway the other day. It occurs to me that the use of the word ‘quantum’ in product names has become rather like the word ‘atom’ or ‘atomic’ in the 1950s.

At least I hope this is so in this case, otherwise one really does have to reflect on exactly how Quantum Concreting operates. Is the concrete spread in a very thin layer, perhaps? Or does it exhibit some kind of temporal ‘uncertainty’… (“Sorry mate – I think we laid it, but until we go look, we can’t be sure…”) Maybe the concrete is applied in small packets whose precise speed and location is not known?

Or, perhaps, as with all tradesmen, the day they will turn up to do the work can only be statistically determined within certain vague boundaries and the end result is not what you actually thought it would be…