Tue 22 May 2007
Instant Miracle – Just Add Water!
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Peter Popoff, Religion, Skeptical Thinking, Spam Observations
[26] Comments
O frabjous day! Callooh, callay!!!
Here I was wondering what the heck I was going to serve up as a delectable morsel for my Acowlytes to dine on today when an act of Divine Providence happened right on my doorstep! Well, in my letterbox to be more exact, but the doorstep is only about three feet away from that.
Yes my faithful feiends, it appears that the spammers, not content with assaulting me through my e-conduit have decided to take their message right to my real live front door on actual milled-from-living-trees paper. One can only hope that they don’t manage to upgrade their current quota of 90 billion spams per day to this method.
Anyway, this particular missive arrived addressed to me by name with the opening line:
Our prayer center received your phone call and your prayer request for God’s blessing on your finances… I have been praying for you non-stop ever since the operator gave me your name.
Since I can’t recall making that phone call it stands to reason that it was well over, oh, a couple of weeks ago (that’s about the limit of my memory these days) so this guy’s knees must be pretty stiff by now.
Flipping to the last page to see who I’m dealing with (there are two pages printed on each side with densely packed print featuring LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS) I see that it has been sent by my new friend ‘Prophet Peter Popoff’.
Hey waiddaminute… that name sounds familiar… let me just consult the Internets… Well stone the crows! I’ve been fingered by Spam Celebrity!
Yes, Peter Popoff has written to me personally to tell me how concerned he is for my wellbeing! Really!
Awww – I can see you don’t believe me. Here, let me show you just one of the envelopes he enclosed in his letter:
See! That’s his real handwriting on there! Fair dinkum!
Well, what does Pete have to say? I won’t go into detail, there’s way too much to digest, but in a nutshell, if I follow his instructions I will get nothing less than EVERYTHING I WANT. Incredible, huh?
Oh there are SO many goodies in this ramble, it’s hard to know where to start.
Firstly, PPP makes an honest-to-God concrete prediction, viz:
I feel YOU ARE ABOUT TO WITNESS AN UNPRECEDENTED MIRACLE as you follow divine leading and direction. You’ve prayed for a seemingly impossible miracle. On July 09 2007, the miraculous occurs. YOUR GREATEST PRAYER SHALL BE ANSWERED AND YOUR GREATEST WISH SHALL COME TO BE…
Hot diggedy dog! Now there’s the kinda predictin’ I like!
Oh, but hang on a bit, unsurprisingly there’s the fine print: …hindering spirit… puts me in the wrong time at the wrong place to take advantage of the miracle… yadda yadda yadda.
Oh dangnabbit Prophet Pete! Is there anything I can do to make SURE that my greatest wish will come true???
(Whack me with a broom pole there’s a lot of writing in this letter… instructions, instructions, more instructions…chaos in my life… someone who is about to cause fear… 7 Secret Prophetic Events…)
Aha! Here we have it:
There are 3 more IMPORTANT prophetic events that are yet to be revealed…However…I must obey God in this. YOUR OBEDIENCE IS THE KEY! I CAN ONLY REVEAL THEM TO YOU IN MY ANSWER…OBEY GOD IN THIS!
Now, in Jesus’ Name open the first envelope that has the Miracle Spring Water in it.
Egad! The tension is too much! As you can see, the envelope contains the Miracle Water Packet and also a Prophecy & Holy Ghost Instructions. A completely dry ENVELOPE FULL OF WATER! That must be a miracle in itself.
This is TOO BIG A STORY for ONE POST, dear ACOWLYTES! Picture me if you will as I unholster my letter opener in the diminishing light of my near-exhausted flickering candle and prepare to reveal the contents of Envelope #1…
… and tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion to this rapturous tale!
Profi… I mean Prophet Peter *Pop*Off*???
Words fail me.
When the Prophet’s peter popped off,
he got unaccountably cross;
“How will I?”, cried he,
“Be able to pee?
Or give Sister Teresa a boff?”
I got a hankie, but I’m supposed to send it back.
I can’t wait for the ending! I wish someone would send me a Holy Ghost! I only get Jehovah’s Witnesses and they just leave books. Damn.
You lucky cow! Peter Popoff is a classic. (I didn’t even know he was still alive.)
I used to get these things from a Peter Popoff wannabe. I think my favorite one was the packet of dirt – from the Holy Land, doncha know! Now ain’t nobody praying for my soul no more or asking me to send in that extra money I was saving for food. Boo hoo.
I think it speaks to an odd state of life when I am jealous of another man’s spam.
Uh, hang on a sec… This sounds like the setup for one of those never ending BS stories like “lost” or “prison break”…
Surely if the story is rapturous, there’ll be no ending, cause the Reverend will be um, rapt? Enraptured? Disappeared anyway…
Whoa whoa whoa, there, Evenstar. LOST is awesome. Speak no more evil.
reading your post made my eyes produce MIRACLE WATER!
Did you respond to the thread on the Kircher Society about birdsong and music? If so, please send me an email, I would like to discuss what you know about it, since I am trying to develop musical compositions centered around birds- thanks.
did you respond to that thread?
or were you too busy with Prophet Pete?
I, too, am consumed with jealousy over the quality of your spam
That’s odd… my miracle packet hasn’t arrived.
I’m not drinking out of jars filled with plain, boring WATER… that’s for sure.
Colonel: Oh no! The scary limerick rears its ugly head once more on The Cow. Please RUN AND HIDE! You have no idea how much of a can of worms you might be opening…
Jam: You obviously got the wrong package in the wrong order – the hankie is for mopping up the tears of laughter after you’ve read Prophet Pete’s ramblings.
Chickie: Stay tuned – I haven’t reached the Holy Ghost yet. Who KNOWS what further joys are in store!
Phoebe Fay: You got DIRT? I’m envious. I’d like to have got the dirt on Peter Popoff.
Casey: There’s a form with the letters that asks me to recommend friends for Peter P to Pray for. Want that I should fill you in?
Evenstar: The difference between the Peter Popoff letters and Lost is that Prophet Pete makes some sense.
jmf: [Shakes head] And you didn’t like Galaxy Quest. There’s nought so queer as folk.
Pil: See! You need Jam’s hankie!
nursemyra: Have no fear, I have talked to Ruth. Nice biblical name that.
Oh and Tetherd Cow Ahead is synonymous with Quality
spermSpam.bearskinrug: That’s the spirit! Life’s not worth living if you can’t adventurously swig from cheap and unhygenic-looking plastic sachets that arrive unsolicited in the mail!
Kindly present my prayers to the Lord, as follows, please. (a) I am a deacon (officer) and would like to win souls for God, through performing of miracles, signs and wonders in Jesus Name. (b) My wife would be pleased to have children though doctors said is impossible. (c) our financial situation is very bad and we have much loans to refund every month. (d) we are unable to complete a house project since some years now.(e)I want fultime job at my place of work and good salary, also, work for my wife, who is presently jobless.(f) I have eye and heart problems. My postal adress is – 62 rue A. CAMUS, 68200 MULHOUSE, FRANCE
Well i received the water, gold braclet, sea salt and now the leaves…i guess i will burn in hell because Peter “Ripoff” will not be getting any of my money….oh well…this guy is ridiculous..The only way to get good things in my life is to send him money??? ok crazy guy… Im glad I am not the only one that ordered the water.. how embarrassing…
Alisa Adams: Welcome to The Cow. You got the bracelet and the sea salt? Damn!
I need those to complete my set! I’m jealous.
Dear Peter Popoff,
I need you to pray for me because I had an accident. I dislocated my ankle, it still bothers me I am in pain. Also, I need prayers so I can win money to get out of debt. Can you send me the holy bread? May god bless you and I hope you will do this for me.
Victor W. Clark
P.O. Box 293
Yoakum, Tx. 77995
I feel really lucky…
I got the Dead Sea Salt!
I also received a Barak(?). I think it is a Jewish wallet and I am sure I am to fill it with money and send it to his ministry.
I also received a miniature apron for my action figures?!
I would like to know how I got on the mailing list!?!?
I actually do enjoy getting his missives, ecpecially when friends are over.
Rev,peterPopoff I am Arturo Trevino
I.see you in T.V.time 4.30.am.I have all.the letter that you seing me.I not in the hosue but can you pary.Ray.a laver and kneey paunch.hi is in mi state cecilio,need a lever to hi live in ut state can you pary me that harm will gat butter.thank you,Art.
Dear rev peter popoff. i think your the best.best prophet of all the world.I will see you in toronto ontario on june 26 27 28 2008.marry you and keep you and faint in your arms.i love you because you are you.not for your money i dont desire to have that its yours.i desire to only spend the rest of my physical life with you in california and love you unconditionally for the rest of our lives in Christ Jesus our God.to have major exstavagant love making. i will never deny you of personal love making in bed or anywhere you desire to do so.eagle love together.your loins are of a great eagle.mine too.well have alot of fun.even in arguements because it will turn into major love making.love you rev peter popoff.love nina liteeagle
i need prayers upon my life,that the LORD leads me in all things..am weak in spirit also am goin for interview for visa as a misionary..iw ent the first one and was denied and am trying the second time..please pray for me so that i get my us visa to eb able to proceed to what the Lord have for me,,,thank you
My lover peter popoff i love ya ,just letting ya know ill stand with ya through thick thin,your new wife nina liteegle.Dont give up peter popoff,there wrong they have no right to judfge ya.
I heard Peter Popoff was a fruitski. Last I heard he was dating this guy.
Good day.I have been trying to ask u to pray for me. My baby father has some money for me and doesnt seem like he wants to return it. Pls pray that i may get it back and get even more to buy a house. I also need another job even my own business would be good. I am in need of a husband as well. I also need the miracle spring water. HELP ME PLS. thanks in advance.
The reason rev peter popoff asks you to send things back,is so he can use it to pray,as a better way of contact,ounce you tuch it,he does,or the ministers in ministry,they pray to Jesus Christ,the holyspirit moves in your life.Glory be to God.They are ministers you put your trust in,through Jesus Christ intervention ,from afar,thats why you send it back,its a distant relationship,in Jesus Christ,through the holyspirit,a better way of contact to God,through ministers in the Lord.
No, the reason Peter Popoff does anything is to bilk poor stupid uneducated people of their money.