Wed 11 Apr 2007
The Headless Homme
Posted by anaglyph under Simple Graphics Man
[7] Comments
The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#20: The Headless Homme.
Simple Graphics Man fails to fully comprehend The Reverend’s Easter Parable.
I can’t contemplate a world without milliners.
at least he doesn’t have to worry about bedhead
Ah, yes, the sign for the headless hoseman.
…I’m noticing a trend in the last two posts…
Universal Head is hereby awarded Comment of the Month. I laughed for a full five minutes.
That is the perfect graphic- for the world after “The balloon goes up”. Brilliant SMG has not drawn any sort of headless man- that’s a graphic of the relevant portion of the anatomy of an unusually thin-balled, oddly double-gifted nuclear mutant man.