Thu 16 Nov 2006
All Your Laptops Are Belong To Us
Posted by anaglyph under Cow Matters, Sound, Technology
[16] Comments
A recently reported ‘fault’ in Apple MacBooks is described thus:
“The machine makes faint bovine-like ‘mooing’ noise after moderate to heavy use”
Apple diagnoses this as a firmware problem, but here at The Cow, the only comment we feel at liberty to make is ‘Mwahahahahahahahaha!’
When Windows notebook PCs undergo heavy use, they make a distinct ‘farting’ noise. So there.
Your plans are finally coming to fruition, eh Rev?
The mooing sound is not as big a deal as people make it out to be. There’s a firmware patch out there that’s supposed to fix it as well. I’m not sure it exists on all models anyway, as I never hear it on mine.
Jam: I was going to make a comment that that was a firmware problem too but then I thought about how disgusting that sounded.
TP: Today your laptop, tomorrow THE WORLD!!! Mwahahahaha!
jmf: What? “Not as big a deal as people make it out to be”?????? I hope you’re not trivialising the omnipotent Power of The Cow?
All I can say is that the boffins here at Cow Lab have almost perfected their new startup sound virus. Be afraid.
Tsk, you disappoint me, Rev. An audio guru that posts a Moo sound in a Microsoft .WAV format in a Mac related post? Tits on a bull. For shame.
Curiously, what spawned this post? Did you order one or something?
jmf: Sadly, WAV is pretty much the default pro sound format now. SD is dead and AIFF is used less and less. I could have converted it to mp3 but, well, I pinched the sound, it was conveniently in WAV and I couldn’t be bothered.
What spawned the post? It’s a funny cow thing! Do I need any other reason?
So, what’s all this stuff I read about the RIAA and record labels losing money to digital piracy? You clearly make your own music and sell it on CD, but you steal someone’s hardwork, dedication, blood, sweat, and tears in the form of a cow moo sound? I see how you are…
The Reverend!
He am in ur laptop, mooving all your bytes!
>>He am in ur laptop, mooving all your bytes!
You’re so on-the-edge hip evenstar! First one up with a pic for that gets published on The Cow.
jmf: Hey, who said anything about stealing? It was free – I was using the term ‘pinched’ as in ‘appropriated’. But there are a good many free cow moos on the web – you only have to go a-huntin.
Tell that to the starving bovine artists when they throw the book at you! ;-)
>>You’re so on-the-edge hip evenstar!
Oh now you’re taking the piss!
You know damn well I’m an out of touch old fart who lifted that meme from Boing Boing in a sorry attempt to match your hiptedness!
And now you want a photo of it? Pfft! ;)
Well, the meme was with cats, but I’m happy to see it switch sideways to cows….
And I’m disappointed that no-one has picked up on my recursive image joke. That was a tricky bit of work I’ll have you know…
I plead Image Of Mac Aversion, an unfortunate side effect of Mac Envy.
Oh sweet baby Jesus, I’ve just had some fun with the cow wav. I stood on the side of our privacy fence that the neighbor’s dog is on and played it a couple of times. I think the dog is fixing to explode in his barking frenzy. What fun!