Mon 14 Aug 2006
Posted by anaglyph under Spam Observations, Words
[9] Comments
Spam Observations #27
My pal Tony wrote to me this morning asking me the question:
has your energy level been down newly or still jaded all the time? I indubitably am, that is why i am radiant i came upon
Now this is obviously someone who has not learned their English as a first language, but this begs the question, where exactly have these annoying pests learned to write like this?
Look at those words: ‘jaded’?; ‘radiant’; ‘indubitably‘?
From Daffy Duck cartoons, perhaps? That would explain an awful lot.
9 Responses to “ Dethpickable! ”
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[…] It occured to me when I was over at Tetherd Cow Ahead today reading about Spam Observations #27. Now this is obviously someone who has not learned their English as a first language, but this begs the question, where exactly have these annoying pests learned to write like this? […]
Maybe they’ve been hanging out at Today’s word: fatuous.
I think spammers use spam-libs to write those. You know. like mad-libs for spammers.
You must expeckt a little awkwordiness whenevr somone lerns a language newly.
I just wanted to say that the code you used for Archives dropdown menu is very, very impressive. How DO you do it?
I got it off Daffy Duck.
Don’t you mean Donald Duck?
Actually, maybe I meant Donald Trump. I’ve always thought his coding skills were under-appreciated.
RaJ: As a famous Shakespearean actor once opined : “It’s one thing to have the words, but it’s another thing entirely to be able to get them in the right order”
archshrk: You know, I like your reasoning. It explains a lot of things. Maybe they even have auto-complete bots that just make the damn things up!
Joey: They certainly speak fluent SCAM