Wed 5 Apr 2006
Posted by anaglyph under Art, Spooky
[15] Comments
I knew that Prowler was going to be trouble. Now that he’s back, he’s brought all his friends…
Click on the pix for bigger versions. If you dare.
15 Responses to “ Haunts ”
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[…] If you take the quiz, let me know how you do. There must be other results besides creepy. And if this hasn’t satisfied your need for a Friday Freakout fix, visit Anaglyph’s Haunts aka Nightmares Waiting For Bedtime. He’ll take care of you. […]
‘Prowler’ barely raised a hackle, but on viewing ‘Howler’ I discovered I had hackles on my hackles. Scary job Rev, thanks.
(*eys closd*)
TheyaintrealTheyaintrealTheyaintrealThey aint real Theyaintreal …
Hey anaglyph, how did you do the “tetherd cow” banner/heading/thing at the top of each page? Coz I’m planning to build a blog site thing, and I’m not quite sure how to do that.
Since when does Elton John wear a top hat and carry a knife?
Now I know what you’re doing all by yourself in that house at night.
I moved out last week. I kept hearing a heart beating somewhere. It wasn’t mine. It might have been under the floorboards.
Just when I thought Elton couldn’t get any scarier.
Heh. He’s cross-eyed.
The Ripper is the one I’ve always listened for. He lives in closets.
Joe: Santa? Santa? That merry old elf? And I thought I had a disturbed imaginary childhood…
Good one, Joe.
Anaglyph, you have no idea.
Oh, and… Thanks Anne.