Sun 20 Nov 2005
Watch the Birdy!
Posted by anaglyph under Art, Geek, Whimsy
[9] Comments
Camera Toss (The Blog) is pretty much exactly what it says – a blog about, and by, people who take pictures by throwing their cameras up in the air. It is linked to copious numbers of Flickr sets of images that are gorgeous, inspiring, bizarre and even funny.
The blog describes itself as “A showcase photo-blog for the best of camera tossing and general musings on this form of abstract photography.”
Personally, I would not be using my digital camera for these kinds of shenannigans, but apparently some cavalier people are happy to do so. There are some shots from cheap ‘toy’ cameras that use (gasp) film, which I think might be more in my line.
I notice there are no stereoscopic entries. Perhaps it’s time for me to get out my old Kodak Stereo Realistâ„¢ and get a-tossin’.
Go take a look at the site and you’ll see things like this, this and this.
Searching around for digital camera now- must try this. Had some similar experiences when experimenting with being in a bouncy car while placing the camera on the dashboard in front of me with the timer set. Here’s a nice shot, and one more. However, tossing the camera up in the air, now there’s a concept.
I’m always a-tossin’.
Anyone wanna take a guess as t what CameraFlush (The Blog) is?
This sort of thing would be a quick end for my camera.
I have a cousin who is obsessed with those 3D pictures that require the special glasses. I think it’s the same idea as your Kodak link.
When the new stadium was built in Cleveland, Ohio, he drove up every week and took a 3D picture from the same spot until it was completed.
pixie: Hey, cool shots, I like them. I’m not sure I can do those kinds of things with my digital camera – must try and see.
Anne Arkham: Yeah, and where are the pictures…?
Joey Polanski:There’s always someone who has to introduce toilet humor.
Chickie: I have it on good authority that it’s recommended you do it on a bed for safety. Maybe a thought for next HNT?
jedimacfan: Yes, it’s the same idea. As yet there is no digital way to do this either – except for custom built rigs… You might experience difficulties throwing one of these into the air.
I’d love to try this but, uh…what if I can’t catch?
All the more exciting for results!
Conceptually frightening but visually astounding. Thanks for sharing.