Tue 30 Sep 2008
The Bleedin’ Obvious
Posted by anaglyph under Idiots, Simple Graphics Man
[10] Comments
The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#32: The Bleedin’ Obvious.
Part of Simple Graphics Man’s job description must surely read ‘Show ability to absolve employer from the stupidity of even the most dimwitted of morons’. How else do we explain this sign – there is actually nothing in the doorway that a normal person could trip over. Unless the point of it is that the sign itself is the tripping hazard, in which case the whole thing is so bafflingly self-referential that we are left to infer some kind of conspiracy by sign manufacturers.
Thanks to hewhohears for this latest SGM sighting.
I thought it was a way for cleaners to show how shiny and smooth they’ve polished down a floor …
Aha. Well, that’s a plausible explanation anyway.
‘Tripping Hazard – Clean Floor (will be safe when dirty)’
Practically anything can become a hazard when you’re tripping. LSD tends to affect spacial awareness and many Space Cadets can attest to the veracity of this statement.
SGM is merely expanding his horizons, after all the other experiences he puts himself through I’m tempted to say this may be the most sane course of action in a world full of sudden jolts and endless tribulations.
The King
Cissy Strutt: Well, since SGM has all his money in stocks, it may come to that…
King Willy: SGM tends to avoid drugs. His usual life is challenging enough without the addition of any altered states of consciousness.
I thought of this kind of thing when I did the Bronte-Bondi walk on Saturday, where they’ve ruined the ambience with bloody guard rails along most of the length of the walk – presumably to stop people stumbling over the edge of the cliff and falling to the rocks and surf below, something that has never actually happened in the last hundred years, to my knowledge.
The council in my area has decided to spend god knows how much to rip all the heritage-protected (50s) bricks from the pavements and then lay them all back down again – a process that takes months and, to my untrained eye, leaves the pavements looking exactly the same as they were before the whole interminable and expensive process started.
And going back many years to 1991, it struck me when I went to Notre Dame in Paris and had the view from the roof ruined by great swathes of fencing and mesh, presumably to stop people accidently tripping over a four foot high stone wall and falling to the cobblestones below.
It’s the inevitable result of the plague of lawyers that our society breeds. All of us normal people having our environment ruined and our experiences dulled so the council/business owner/property manager can have some defense when some bloody idiot sues them, on the advice of his or her lawyer, because they were so stupid they couldn’t put one foot in front of the other without pitching headlong and so greedy they seem compelled to blame someone else for their stupidity.
Shits me? You bet your plastic yellow sign it does!
I blame lawyers for ruining the gene pool.
Luckily, SGM is weightless inside that space capsule.
What did someone leave some LSD there?
This was in the doorway to the New AFTRS headquarters (that looks more like the set of Grey’s Anatomy than a Film School) I even entertained the idea that they were shooting a comedy sketch, but no, it seems it was for real.
Malach – yes carefully examine the specks that litter the floor, they’re acid tabs for sure.
You’re probably right Rev if these are anything to go by:
The King