Thu 27 Jan 2011
Tag, You’re It.
Posted by anaglyph under Skeptical Thinking, SmashItWithAHammer, WooWoo
[5] Comments
Acowlytes all! JREF blog, March 7. That’s all I’m saying for now.
But please allow me the self-indulgence of adding a great big smile.
Oh we’ll be there!
Solidarność nie być rozdzielana albo zniszczył.
Shoo! Get Outta here!
Oh yeah
btw, how many blesings have you bestowed?
Not as many as you might think. The initial flurry has tapered off substantially and I get one or two a week. The total is at merely 1886. If I was looking at it to make money, I’d be broke by now.
I’ve also dropped Flattr as you will have noticed, due to its underwhelming performance, ie, not one Flattr hit. I think that makes for a substantial QED for Flattr.