Archive for August, 2013

Uncomfortably Numb

Over the past four years or so, I’ve been creating a major new work, which I’m pleased to say is now completely finished – aside from one further process: a production run to render it to Bluray so I can make it available to the world. To this end, I’m holding a crowdfunding campaign over at Pozible. There are some really nice rewards involved (most of them including a copy of the final Bluray itself). If this is something you think you’d like, chip in and help me make it a physical object. Also feel free to copy the link on to friends & other interested parties. All help will be greatly appreciated!

Atlas brings to my attention this latest peril in which Simple Graphics Man finds himself.

It occurs to me that a further frame would increase the immediacy of the message somewhat, and so I have created it.

Whoopsy daisy SGM – what exactly were you trying to accomplish there anyway, buddy?