Wed 27 Feb 2008
Annunciation for the Blind
Posted by anaglyph under Annunciation
[8] Comments
Wed 27 Feb 2008
Posted by anaglyph under Annunciation
[8] Comments
Tue 26 Feb 2008
Posted by anaglyph under Cow Matters, CowBlogTech, Idiots, Spam Observations, Vitriol
[17] Comments
Faithful Acowlytes,
Some shithead spammer has found a way to invade my posts, appending all kinds of rubbish to the actual post content (usually in the form of hundreds of smutty URLs). As near as I can tell, all the stuff is actually invisible to readers, although I can see it in the post edit code (they’ve evidently done this on purpose – the code renders all the smutty URLs unviewable). I haven’t the foggiest why they would do that, but then I have no inkling of the cretinous thought processes of spammers. In the process they have somehow also interfered with the commenting structure, so you may or may not be able to comment.The damage is vast and I need to investigate how this has happened but I don’t have the time just now. I’ll get onto it as soon as I can. Can I ask anyone who’s reading just to leave a comment so I can check that things are normal from your side? Also, if anything looks peculiar (well, more peculiar than usual) please let me know. I don’t know what these fuckwits have done, and I have no idea of the scope of the damage at this moment.
Man I hate these morons.
UPDATE: I think I’ve rectified the problem and cleaned up most of the mess. I never lock Comments on my posts, so if any of you find that you can’t leave a comment on Cow posts, please email me [] and let me know. I have no way of knowing if Comments are locked (other than investigating settings on individual posts) since for me the Comment field is always available in this particular scam (Mr Spam Shithead has been very crafty in this respect).
We now (hopefully) return to normal programming.
Sat 23 Feb 2008
Posted by anaglyph under Food Science
[3] Comments
☆August 2, 1682: Benedikt Dantzler creates flummery aerated with helium, and thus the first ‘lite’ dessert.
Unfortunately, the after dinner conversation degenerates into hysteria when the guests discover that they are involuntarily speaking in cackling high-pitched voices. Dantzler is accused of being in league with the Devil and is crushed to death by the process of having massive granite slabs laid across his chest.
Wed 20 Feb 2008
Posted by anaglyph under Love, Nostalgia, Sad
[8] Comments
It is four years ago today that my beautiful Kate left this place. I remember you always kpop. Rest in Peace.
Tue 19 Feb 2008
Posted by anaglyph under Surprises, Technology
[10] Comments
So. It’s a hideously hot night, last night in Melbourne town, and Violet Towne and I are trying to get some sleep. Just as we finally doze off, there is an almighty explosion and flash of brilliant light right in front of our house. All the power goes out and the street is plunged into darkness. We both sit bolt upright. The night is dead silent, ringing with the echo of the sound. In a few minutes, the electronic devices in the house beep back into life and the streetlights flicker back on.
Adrenalin having propelled us from bed, we make a cursory investigation, but it’s too dark, and we go back to attempt to sleep.
This morning the grim scenario was all too clear.
At least the poor little blighter went quickly. I reckon that his soul was in cat possum heaven before his body hit the ground.
Sat 16 Feb 2008
Posted by anaglyph under Simple Graphics Man
[9] Comments
The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#27: The Duplicitous Doppelgänger.
In which SGM is set upon by a ruffian to whom he may or may not be related. It’s hard to say.