Archive for July, 2007

Title Card

The Deadwood Drinking Game

•Every time you see a horse, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time someone double crosses someone else, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time someone says ‘fuck’ or ‘cocksucker’, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time someone mentions gold, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time Bullock walks into or out of a place scowling, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time EB does something obnoxious, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time Trixie throws a hissy fit, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time Swearengen uses a word with more than two syllables, have a shot of whisky.

•Every time someone has a shot of whisky, have a shot of whisky.

Object of the game: to stay upright longer than any Deadwood character of your choice (except Jane).


From yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald:

Darwin’s lord mayor has been found guilty of using stolen council funds to buy a fridge, underwear and a Darth Vader voice distorter.

It was women’s underwear. Mayor Peter Adams also purchased a punching bag. I swear – in my wildest flights of fancy I couldn’t come up with material as good as this.

This site is certified 17% EVIL by the Gematriculator

Running Tetherd Cow Ahead through The Gematriculator returns a trifling 17% Evil rating.

What kind of crack-heads have they got working over there?

A Koala

Last week, on a jaunt to Victoria’s famous Hanging Rock , I snapped this shot, which must surely be the most iconically “Australian” photo I’ve ever taken.

(For appropriate atmospheric effect, feel free to play the following mp3 as you contemplate this post):


*Obscure? Moi? (A Cow medallion to anyone who can make sense of it…)


Popoff Product Line

These are the things I have accumulated so far in my Relics of Prophet Peter Popoff Series. Cool huh? I bet you all want some now. I am still coveting the Dead Sea Salt, which I was promised but never received.

But I guess I’m not supposed to covet, according to the Bible.

Maybe I will write and ask Peter P for some though, for doesn’t the Bible also say ‘Ask and ye shall receive’? I certainly won’t have to waste a stamp.

Reply Paid to Prophet Pete!

By the way, July 7 has passed without anything of significance happening in my life, in contradiction to Prophet Pete’s prediction. Hands up who’s surprised?
