Sat 26 Aug 2006
Dear Sister Veronica (#1)
Posted by anaglyph under Sister Veronica
[5] Comments
Dear Sister Veronica,
Do you live with Reverend Anaglyph in his house? Do you think he will ever post an entry about his Mysterious Corner ever again?
You are so hot,
Hey Michael!!! Props!
OMG I think U must be a PiScEs, rite???!!! Coz PiScEs is the St@r sIgN of CURIOSITY + MYSTERY *wink*….. I think U kno what I mean… LOL!!!
Now U R as BAD as PrOwL3r – tryign 2 find out where I live!! *blush*……. wot would tha R3v3r3nd think!! He is SUCH a kind man, and alwayz haz pl3nty of fluffy white towels 4 me! LOL!
As 4 **Mysteriouz Korner**, he tellz me that there is a surprize coming up SOON!!!! OMG I can HARDLY WAIT!!!!!
I know U REALLY wrote to find out your St@Rz 4 this week, am I rite?? Well, looking at yr ch@rt I see ***LOTS*** of ☆☆☆RoMaNcE☆☆☆ heading yr way *wink*…. but coz Pluto is in the ascend@nt, and its, like, NOT A PLANET anymore, watch out 4 ppl who R NOT what they seem!!!!!
Also this w33k, yr lucky numb3r is 23 ** and yr lucky color is GREEN!! ** and yr lucky vegetable is TURNIP!!!
Yorz Trooooly…