Archive for March, 2005

Now, let’s see, I’ve got this bit of wet concrete…

This outside my local church. Nice little picture of a cup of coffee and biscuits. Does God prefer a cappuccino or a flat white, do you think?

Dinner included! God AND dinner! And coffee! Awesome!

How would the conversation go, I wonder? “Hey God, what is it with all these people (who haven’t even heard of you) starving to death in The Sudan? How the hell do you work the whole Vengeful/Merciful thing anyway? Must be a real bitch.”

Can’t imagine it would be an evening of light chat.

Stencil graffiti, churchyard wall, Newtown, Australia on a sunny autumn day.

I get strange messages on my answering machine. It’s happened since I’ve lived here. Very few of them are directed toward me and I sometimes feel like some kind of unwitting spirit medium for the phone age. This one from last night:

Robbie, did I say “half a kidney, or half a bladder?”. It’s “half a bladder”. OK mate? Sorry about that if I made a mistake. Bye.

Thing is, I’m trying to work out a context in which this would make sense, but I just can’t. Half a bladder? Half a kidney? Here, listen to it yourself and help me with this metaphysical telecommunications conundrum:

[Link] – mp3 file.

This on a prescription for sleeping pills. I think that with sleeping pills you’re kind of hoping that they will cause at least a certain amount of drowsiness otherwise they may as well be called ‘Nothing’ pills. The pharmacist didn’t find this amusing in the least. “Oh, it’s just the law“, she says. “Yes, I realise that, but it’s funny“, says I…

Oh well.

It really was a beautiful dream. Gorey would understand, but few others.